18 - A Childhood Dream

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When Anupamaa walked back into the Shah House today, she felt a different sense of belonging.
Baa who had been in the kitchen immediately came out.
"Where were both of you? Haven't you seen how late it is?!", Leela snapped at them.
Vanraj immediately took a step ahead.
"Arrey Baa.. lots of work kept us till late. Don't worry.", He said grinning.

She knew he was happier. She could feel it.
"Chalo have dinner, both of you..", Baa said sighing.
"Baa.. actually we ate from the office canteen.", Vanraj said.

Anupamaa noticed how Baa looked dejected instantly. The clock was striking eleven and she had been awake just for them.
Anupamaa took a step forward.
"But we can still have dinner.", She said with a smile.
Vanraj was about to say something when Anupamaa gave him a side glance.

He paused, and nodded.
Something he rarely did, until now.

They sat at the table while Leela brought the theplas and chutney. Both Vanraj and Anupamaa were full but ate anyways to keep her heart.

"How was your day today?", She asked Vanraj directly.
"Ah.. it was good. The office work is awesome.", Vanraj said grinning as he ate.
Anupamaa looked down at her plate while Leela continued asking the details from Vanraj, only. Almost ignoring her existence.

She looked to her side to find the day's newspaper. She picked it up and a pamplet slipped out from it.
She bent to pick it up.

A blue pamphlet, with the photograph of the Statue of Liberty and a simple writing printed in Hindi -

Do you want to visit America?

She stared at it, as if drawn.
It was a travel agency pamphlet, something she knew she'd never need.

"Anu, you need more theplas?", She snapped out, to find Vanraj looking at her curiously.
"No-no..", She mumbled awkwardly.
He nodded as he stood up.
Leela said nothing as she took their plates.

"Good night, Baa.", Vanraj said with a beaming smile.
Leela nodded. Anupamaa stood up, clutching the pamphlet.
"Let's go.", Vanraj whispered smoothly as he got out from his chair.
She nodded as she folded the pamplet and took it to the bedroom, along with her.

Vanraj had noticed it, but said nothing.
She slid the pamphlet under her pillow and rushed to change her clothes in the bathroom.
Vanraj walked down to her pillow and pulled it out.

"America?", He whispered to himself, a little taken aback.
Almost as if it triggered an old memory.

"My daughter.. she is obsessed with America. She found this picture of the Statue of Liberty.. calls the statue Liberty Maata.. now it's in her room, stuck to the wall.", Suresh Joshi said smiling to herself as they sat by the road.
Vanraj stared at him awkwardly.
He was a dreamer too. And America? It was an impossible dream.
Anyways it was fine for Suresh Joshi's daughter to dream.. she was super rich.

"So.. you should take her.", He said, flashing a soft smile.
Suresh inhaled deeply.
"I will.. this year maybe we will go for the winter vacations.", He had said.

Only thing, he wasn't there during the winters of that year.

Vanraj stared at the pamphlet, wondering if it was proof that the childish girl back then still wanted to visit her Liberty Maata.

He heard the bathroom door unlock as he immediately slipped the pamphlet back under her pillow.

She walked out wearing a simple saree. Leela had informed her that wearing anything else was strictly a taboo in the house so she had to resort to cotton sarees which were comfortable.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now