Chapter 2

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The next morning, Wei Wuxian was woken by a gong at an ungodly hour in the morning. Opening his eyes and saw that it's still dark outside, he groaned and closed his eyes again, fully intended to fall back to sleep again when hurried footsteps came into his sleeping chamber and two voices said.

"Wuxian, you have to get up. All of you have to in the dining hall before the Imperial family arrives. So come now, please. I love my head on my neck very much". Mingzhu pleaded.

With another groan, he rolled out of bed. Looking between the two sisters, he said.

"They will have to come pass me before they think about chopping heads of". A yawn escaped his mouth, but not to give the two anymore grief, he stood up and went to the bathing area.

Once done bathing, they dressed him in his dark blue robes with a high collar to hide his scent gland red under the skirt. They braided his hair and twirl it on his head, and placed a hair comb to keep it in place. A light pink rogue on his cheeks and some red rogue on his lips. Wei Ying looked at himself in the mirror, and a smile adorned his face as he looked at  the two sisters.

"Thank you so much". He said with sincerity in his voice, and the two just nodded while helping him up. They made their way out of the room and towards the dining hall. They got many looks from some of the omegas and the servants. Wei Ying didn't care, and as soon as they reached the hall, they went inside. Many had taken the front seats, and they probably wanted the crown prince to see them first. Wei Ying and his servants took the third table towards the back and close to the door.

Sitting down small talk was going around. Wei Ying were listening with half a ear. His mind is busy with what will happen if he does not get chosen. Where will he go? He does not have many choices, though the only place that was truly home to him when he was small was Yiling. Maybe he will go back there and start making a living for him. Yes Yiling maybe the place where he lost so much but it's also the only place he knew aside from lotus pier.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the voice of the eunuch.

"Rise and kneel. The Imperial family had arrived ".

"We greet the Imperial family and may the Imperial family live a long and happy life". They all greeted.

"You may be seated". The eunuch said as soon as the Imperial family took their seats in front of the hall.

Soft gasps went through the room and Wei Wuxian could see why. The two princes looks like divine angels sent from heaven but the one that top all of that beauty are the younger one. Wei Wuxian guess he must be the crown prince. Than that means that the eldest are either a beta or an omega. Someone cleared their throat and Wei Wuxian head turns towards the sound. The eunuch and he is about to read something of the scroll he is holding in his hands.

"The Imperial family welcome each and everyone of you. There are only a few things that the Imperial family wants you to know and make aware off.

First)  In your rooms has been placed a copy of the rules of the palace. It is very important that you all learn them and try to adhere by them during your stay here.

Second.  If you should break any of the rules. Punishment would be dealt out according to which rule you have broken and if it is sever you will be sent home immediately.

Third. You will wear the appropriate white robes during your stay in the palace.

Fourth. You will at all times control your scent. No one is allowed to let their scent out within the halls of the palace.

Fifth. Every omega will meet with the crown prince one on one. This is very important because it's during these visits that the crown prince will make his decision on which one of you will be his mate. During these meetings you will be asked various questions so be prepared".

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