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Heather froze. Why is she here? How did she know? She posed while staring right at her, then strutted back to the dressing room.

A while later, the show was finished. She immediately went to change back into her regular clothes, and then asked if the 3 can meet her in the back.

1st, was Courtney.
Heather: court!
Courtney: heather!
Heather: before anything. Did you see ANYTHING in the crowd??
Courtney: why do I need to sue someone?
Heather: just.
Courtney: hm. Not that I remember. There was this lady who kept laughing with her husband or something like that. Mostly when you were there.
Heather: that little—
Courtney: uhm! No! So, I also saw someone else.
Heather: who?
Alejandro: talking about me already ladies?

Alejandro would walk in with roses and give them to heather.

Alejandro: for you, amor.
Courtney: amor?? What did I miss?
Heather: nothing.-
Alejandro: to much! Court, how's my case?
Courtney: the regular. Why did you get sued again?
Alejandro: some lady. She said her return was busted.
Heather: wait. You two have been working together?
Alejandro: yea! She's my lawyer.
Heather: oh. I didn't know. Well whatever. Hey, how are you here? Isn't your wife gonna get mad?
Alejandro: she'll live.
Heather: well, guess what?
Alejandro + Courtney: what?
Heather: well, mrs mommy dearest is here. And so is my dad.
Alejandro: your. Parents?
Heather: no dingus. My grandmas parents.
Alejandro: didn't need to rude.
Courtney: so cute! Anyways what do we do about them.
Heather: well I can go and—

She was cut off by the noise of the door banging open.

Kim: heather!
Heather: mom?
Kim: don't call me that. How did you not tell me you were a model!
Heather: cause I thought it was obvious...
Kim: don't sass me! So. When were you gonna tell me.
Heather: when you called?
Kim: the phone works both ways, heather.
Alejandro: ma'am you gotta go.
Kim: your the boy I sued.
Alejandro: well now you really got to go bye!

He would grab Courtney's arm and would use it to push out heathers mom.

Alejandro: I don't hit women.
Heather: I can tell.

Heather would slam and lock the door.

Courtney: did you have to use my arm?
Alejandro: closest person. Thank you.
Courtney: oh! Well..
Heather: court go back to your husband.
Courtney: Going!!!

Courtney left the room. Right when heather was about to leave, Alejandro pulled her up to his chest and locked the door.

Alejandro: now it's just us, amor.
Heather: shut up! You need to go home.. too.
Alejandro: why would I if theres an angel right in front of me?
Heather: Alejandro.
Alejandro: yes?
Heather: just kiss me dumbass.

Heather leaned up and kissed Alejandro. His emerald green eyes made her want more. But this was wrong. But it felt so right. Why would she turn up an opportunity like this?

Alejandro: well, goodbye heather. Text me.

Alejandro left the room. Leaving heather flustered. What a jerk. A handsome, cute, jerk!
She just hoped her mom wouldn't be at her next shows.

(I'm gon make a chapter of court and Gwen so ms heather and mr Alejandro can get a break lmao)

Can we make it up? (Aleheather) ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now