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Courtney grabbed her keys and opened the door.
Courtney: I'm home!!

A couple seconds later, she heard little feet running towards the door.

Kassy: moma!!
Courtney: Hi baby! Where is dada?
Kassy: watching teee vee.
Courtney: tv? Okay. Have you have food yet?
Kassy: mhm! Dada made chicken nuggets!
Courtney: again? Come on let's go yell at dada.

She would pick up Kassy and walk towards the living room.

Courtney: Duncan!!
Duncan: what did I do now??
Courtney: you fed her chicken nuggets. Again!?
Duncan: it's fineee. She's fine, everything is fine. Anyways, how was the show?
Courtney: stop trying to change the subject! And it was good.
Duncan: come here angry pants.

She would walk towards the couch and put Kassy on top of duncan.

Duncan: Agh!! I'm getting squished!!!
Kassy: yay!!
Courtney: I'm going to make dinner.
Duncan: what you makin?
Courtney: not chicken nuggets.
Duncan and Kassy: Awe!

She would start to walk to the kitchen until she remembered something.

Courtney: oh! Can you two get ready? I invited heather over for dinner.
Duncan: oh shoot.
Courtney: what?
Duncan: I invited Alejandro over.
Courtney: oh. It's fine they'll live.
Duncan: I heard he was at the show. You see him?
Courtney: sadly.
Duncan: be nice princess.

A while later, Alejandro arrived.

Alejandro: hola amigos! Duncan, Courtney, Kassy.
Kassy: hi! Hi! Hi!!!

Kassy would hug Alejandro's leg, and start twirling all around him.

Alejandro: why hello again!
Kassy: hi!!!
Courtney: come on kas. You want num?
Kassy: mhm!

Courtney would pick up Kassy and go to the kitchen. Duncan and Alejandro would start to open the door, until Courtney came back.

Courtney: where are you two going?
Alejandro: uhm. The store?
Duncan: yea! Definitely.
Courtney: tell me.
Duncan: fine. We are going to buy-
Courtney: beer?
Alejandro: damn. Alcoholic.
Duncan: shut up! And yes.
Courtney: no.
Duncan: please
Courtney: Duncan I swear.
Duncan: wow look at the time gotta go!!

Alejandro and Duncan ran out the door. Courtney rolled her eyes and continued feeding Kassy.

A while later, heather arrived.

Heather: I'm here!!!
Courtney: hey heather.
Heather: where's Duncan?
Courtney: wants beer.
Heather: he's always getting beer. Alcoholics.
Courtney: that's what I said!
Heather: so is Alejandro.
Courtney: speaking of Alejandro... I-
Duncan: we're back!
Heather: are you kidding me.

Courtney: oops?

Can we make it up? (Aleheather) ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now