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The children of the contestants, like Courtney's kid or what not. What about them?

Chris thought about that, thoroughly. He came up with a plan. Which wasn't so great. He would have the kids in a box made of glass, so the parents would be in even more pain. And whenever the parents won a challenge, the kids got some food. If not, hunger time.

Heather: hey Chris. Why the fuck are we here?? Total drama was a decade ago. Leave us alone. You don't even have contract.

Chris: heather! In so many ways, are you wrong.

Suddenly, Chris's plan came into motion. At least 90 workers came and took the kids, and got a couple punches from Courtney.

Courtney: get! Away! From my kid asshole!!!

Riots. Screaming. But one thing was louder than it all.

A gunshot.
The warning sign, you can say.

Chris: great! Now I got your attention. Next time, it won't be in the arm.

Everyone turned to Courtney, she was standing there in shock, and she slowly turned to her arm. Finally feeling the pain of the bullet.

She started screaming. That made Duncan come to his senses. Both heather and Duncan ran to check on Courtney. Until they realized she wasn't screaming in agony, but for her daughter.

Duncan held Courtney tight, she fought and fought, but ended up crying in his arms. Heather hugged Courtney, and walked up straight to Chris.

He still had the gun in his hand, the same one that shot court. She continued, behind his back. She grabbed a stick, and snapped a piece of the bottom, making a sharp end.

She slowly raised it, and when she was about to do it, one of the workers grabbed heather by the ponytail. And took the stick from her hand. He threw her to the ground and snapped the stick.

He then stood behind Chris, staring right at her.

Chris: heather! I thought we were cool! Friends?
Heather: I'm not friends with old men.
Chris: shouldn't have said that.

He raised the gun to her leg, but before he shot, Alejandro came up to Chris.

Alejandro: you can't be shooting everyone! That would be - uhm.. bad for your show! Right?
Chris: hm. I guess. But her I don't care for.

He shot. But while Alejandro was talking, she made a run for it.

Can we make it up? (Aleheather) ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now