22 - Faceless

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I know that such an opportunity arises only once in a person's life (or maybe not even then), and my friends would never talk to me again if they found out I turned it down. But I couldn't say yes. I've already gotten myself into enough awkward situations; I don't need another one.

I really appreciate it and I would be very happy to go but I have to say no ☹️
school comes first, as you said last time
but thank you
and I swear I will root for you 😇

Carlos 🥣
do not listen to me
school sucks
I need your support in person 🥺🥺

if you win the race at the weekend I will go to the next one with you 😄

Carlos 🥣
you could have just simply said no 😒


Throughout the weekend, I tried to immerse myself in the mysteries of the Italian language and convince myself that everything would be fine on the exam, but deep down, I knew I didn't have good prospects. 

I completely forgot about Carlos and the entire race; I just tried to steer my own life back at least partially into the normal course.


On Tuesday, my nerves were already on edge, knowing that I only had this evening left to study. I felt my brain starting to give up on me because I had to read every sentence five times before grasping its meaning. Even those that weren't written in Italian.

My heart nearly jumped out of its place when my phone beeped, since I was convinced I had silenced it. I didn't want anyone to disturb me, so I ignored it, being sure there was nothing that couldn't wait until tomorrow.

After it beeped once again, I reached for it and instinctively switched it to 'Do Not Disturb' mode. I was just about to put it down when I spotted Charles' picture next to the new message icon. I needed him least in this situation, especially since I'm still angry at him for his behavior during padel, but when it comes to him, for some reason, my body refuses to obey my brain, and the message had already been opened.

Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
wanna come over?

I thought you hate me

Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
yeah, I hate you
but it doesn't mean we can't have some fun together

it's always very fun when you argue with me

Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
I will be a good boy, I promise

your weekend must have really sucked if you say this

Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
you can't imagine

sorry, I need to study
but I'm sure there are plenty of models in your phone book

Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
I can assure you that if anyone else were available, I wouldn't be begging you right now

you always know how to sweep me off my feet

Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
is it a yes?


Perceval 👨🏽‍🍳
it would definitely do you some good to relax a bit
you'd study better afterward

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