138 ... but later...

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...much later...

She didn't know much about LA

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She didn't know much about LA. Though she thought she did. She'd been there once for a family vacation and another few times for a couple of jobs. However, for that, she barely saw anything outside of the airport...studio...hotel..and studio.

So when Milo brought up the idea of California as a concept, she couldnt help but smile to herself.

Sunshine, every day? She couldnt believe it. Would she miss the saeasons? Yes. But the ocean...

However, as it turned out to be, LA was like a paradooxical fairytale. A dream, an illusion she held in her mind, but coudlnt quite grasp.

While Milo went to work at the studio on his porject, she spent the days lazily lying around the beach, or wandering the streets. Sometimes finding cute corners, sometimes stubmling upon the wrong corner.

It killed her that you needed a car. Not at all like New York, where she could walk everywhere.

The city was huge, sprawling, and the traffic and time and money it took to get to one point or another was incredibley frsutrating. IT DIDNT HELP THAT SHE WAS TERRIFIED OF DRIVING. nOT ON THOSE la FREEWAYS....SHE'D RATHER GET A BLISTER ON HER FOOT. Milo told her she had to start somewhere, that he'd help her.

But now that she had not just her, but another life inside of her to worry about, she wished that she'd learn sooner.

There were times she was so brave, and others she kiked herself for the fear that stopped her from doing things.

Her bump was starting to show, wich greatly limited the kind of work she could take on.

And even though Milo kept telling her she looked more beautiful bt he day, she hada hard time adjusting to this new pace of life.

On one hand, wasn't this what she dreamed about? A slower pace of life..some time off...But she realized there were things that mattered to her that she didn't know about until it was too late...like having her own spots hs knew she oculd go to in a city, having her friends...even ahving her family closer.

It was hard, and she felt like a fish out of water. She didn't know if it was the hormones or the istutaiton, but at her worst moments, her loneliness took her by surpirse. Throwing her off kilte.r

But at her best, it was evened out by beuatiful momenbts. The nature, the culture, and of course, Milo.

He would beo ut most days, but every occasioanl day she got to savour him all to herself. They walked on the beach, and took drives down the PCH to secret spots in Malibu, discovering new favourites.

They work up early, Milo would surf as she walked the beach or swam, or just lie, watching him. Then they would get brunch at a cute local spot, or she would make something. They would do something together, like reading, or listneingt go music. They would go on walks, and have mid-afternoon naps. Sometimes they made love in the afternoon, cracks of glittering light breaking through her darkness.

Sometumes they would go out in the evening, sometimes theyd stay in.

Milo, perhaps in solidarity iwth Isabelle, drank much less. Their time together was sweet. The initial butterflies she felt when they girst ewent away together to Long Island, was replaced by a sustinable, swell, wave of pleasure at each toehrs compmayu. She was still as attracted to him as ever.

And he would take pictures of her, tkaign her by surprise. He said he wanted to document everything about her pregancny, but morei mporatntly, her.

She looked at him with such loning in her eyes, she was afraid shed scare him off sometimes. But she never did.

And everytime hse got a little upset at him for stating a little too long at a shoot, he woiuild find ways to soothe her sou.

Just his presence had an baility to atke away any trepidation.

Her body started to change. First slowly, an then the days started to slip away with the hurridness of a sandclock. She was surprised whjem tinmgs stopped fiting. She started wearing looser dresses, and she still walked everywhere. Refusing, maybe foolishly, to be slowed down.

It scared her sometimes, the concept of slowing down.

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