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It was the week that she was to leave to Europe on a big job - nearly three week shoot

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It was the week that she was to leave to Europe on a big job - nearly three week shoot. He wanted to see her, but she was ruminting so much over the last couple of days, that she felt she needed space. But, she still wanted to see him too. So she didn't know whether she planned it subconsciously or it just happened, that they got into the biggest fight of their relationship.

He came over to her house, and he helped her pack. She started takinglittle jabs at him. Nothing big, but she couldn't help it.

Then it started to escalate it.

"I think we might be...too different," she started saying.

He oaused what he was doing anda he looked up at her cautiosuly.

"How do you mean?"

She swallowed, not sure how to go on....but she did go on and what happend was a verbal vomit of eveythign she'd been holding back. Al lthe fears - real and imagined - he listened to her patiently but when she looked at him agian she could tell his eyes went dark and a walkk came up between them.

"So youre tellign me youre quetion our entire relationsip?" Milo asked her, with a heavy air between them.

She wanted to say no, but she couldn't bring herself to do so.

"Kind of," she said quietly, finally.

"Well there are things that somebody can change about themselves, and there are the ways that someone is. You're going to have to decide if you can put up tiwht that." Milo said steadily, then quietly, "and I will have to figure out the same for myself."

"What do you mean?" Isabelle asked, for the first time seeing that maybe she felt better but now he felt worse. She realized this could have backfired.

"I didn't have any doubts, until now," Milo looked into ther eyes, and she felt a pinch in her heart.

They had a bottle of wine, halfway finished between them and there was al ot of back and forth, and Isabelle tried to remedy her words, thining she was doing the right thing. Telling him that she was saying it because she cared about her relationship. They had a long talk on the balcony, and finally, both gave up, milo saying it was hte wine doing the talking.

In bed that night, Isabelle thought maybe it was going to be fine after all.

"After everyhting I said," Isabelle was lying on his chest, "I still love you."

He looked at her and quietly said, "love you too."

The next day there was some silence between them. She texted him asking if htey could see each other the day after, the last day before she leaves.

As soon as he saw him though, she knew something was wrong. He was cold, and had his guard up in a way that he never had been before to her.

She tried to make a couple of jokes, but she couldn't break thorugh his interior.

"What's worng?" She asked him, but he dismissed her.

It wasnt until they were sat at the restaurant when he laid it all out on the table.

"The way you talked to me...that's not how you would talk if you wanted to keep this realtionship. That's not how you would talk if you respect me." Milo looked at her darkly. She realized she may have hurt him, but she didn't expect this. "Everyhting you do has cosnequences, Isabelle. This is why you need to be careful dealing with people."

It was one of the most difficult dinners she's ever had. Barely being able to reat anyhting when their relationship was on the line.

She wanted to go to the bathroom and cry but she wouldn't let herself. It was his turn to talk about everything that was wrong.

"Those months I got to know you, before I asked you to be my girlfriend, I specifically looked out for this. I thought I was safe, but you sprung a bomb on me." He told her.

She osciallted between trying to protect herself and their relationship to feeling incredulous that he was trying to threaten her or make her feel like she shouldn't talk about it.

"I just don't understand where this is coming from," he said. "Just a couple days ago we were talking about our realtionship, about fmailies..."

Isabelle really didn't want to do this, but she felt that she had to use some sort of ammunition and it was half true anyway she thought..she didn't even know herself.

She really didn't want to bring this up but she ahd to.

Isablle sighed, "that day I was on the phone with my mom, and she asked me if this was what I really wanted."

Milo blinked at her.

"I didn't want ot bring her up because i dont want anyone to turn on anyone, but I boruht up my ..concerns..with her and she was just looking out for me. Its not you...it's me.."

Isaebble realized she sounded as if they were breaking up. She was afaid to look over the ledge.

After a couple of moments Milo finally said, "she thinks you can do better."

It idint sound liek a questoin but more liek a staemtn.

Isabelle felt more exaspeated than evermore "but I want you!"

When that terrible dinner fianllyy ended, he stil wake her back to her place. Siting on her couch, she finally broke down and it was the first time he saw her cry.

He consoled her, breaking to a certain degree his tough exterior.

"I just didnt want ot leave on a bad note," she said between small sobs.

"Shh," he patted her head, "I won't be that hard to get rid of," he said quietly.

They made up in their bed, both not wanting to let each other go. But she couldn't help but wonder if she did something to this relationship that was irrevocable. She prayed that it would be alright.

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