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She was sitting in a cafe in Malibu, drinking her green smoothie, and for a second she was taken by surprise

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She was sitting in a cafe in Malibu, drinking her green smoothie, and for a second she was taken by surprise.

She thought about how different her life had become. Not bad...just different.

A year ago there was no way she could imagine that she'd be her, with Milo...pregnany.

She was happy marveling at it the way seh marvelled at how the water lappped against the rocks.

She couldnt believe it, and yet, here it was.

Her revereie was broken when a n older woman came up to her,

"Excuse me," the elegant older lady said, "I hate to interrupt but arent you, Isabelle? From the La Perla campaign??"

Isablele blinked, and automatically smiled, nodding, "yes, I am."

She was shocked that the La Perla cmpagin - her first with Milo - was avtially remebred and talked about outside of the studio industry.

Isabelle got up to shake her hand, she dintkn ow why. But them she saw the older lady's eyes widen in disbelief when she saw her bump.

"Oh," the owman said, "copngratulations!"

And all ofa sudden Isabelle felt like an illegal, runaway child bride. She reprimanded herself for blushing.

When the woman left, after politely asking for a picture, Isabelle stared at her cappucino, swirling the spoon in a circle.

She was waiting for Milo, always waitingl

He was at a studio in West Hollywood. She usually didn't have htoughts lie htese, but she hated to wonder about who he was shooting. After all, if that's how she met him, whats stopping him from meeting someone else like that?

She shook her head, as if physically shaking away her thoughts.

She felt htat she waasspiealin,g nad she was doing her best to stop herself from it.

She got up, and after leaving momney on the table, she got out of the cafre and took an alley behind the builidng, that led diectly ot a quiet, semi private beach.

It was a Tuesay morning, overcast, so there was almost nobody there.

She statred out at the ocean for longer than she needed to.

What am I looking for?

She thouht toherself, wan't this waht I wanted? Then why did she feel so...placid.

Its almost woese feelilng sad in a beaitufl [lace. Necaise you feel like you shouldnt be sadl But she couldnt shake hte feeling that something was missing.

That she was doing it worng.

All of a sudden, as if in response, she felt the baby kick.

She apprehensively placed her hand on her stomach. She mustbe looked conceringi enough that hte only other people on teh beach, an older ocuple asked her if she was okay.

She smiled, nodding.

She decided it was time to go home, andbury herself in a book. Get her mind off of things.

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