Part 1

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Chaeyoung Pov

"CHAEYOUNG WAKE UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" I heard my mom shouting from downstairs telling me to go get ready. I groaned and went up to my bathroom to take a shower.

I've decided to wear something comfy since it's Monday 

My mom prepared me pancakes, but i only eat half of it since i wasn't that hungry so i just went to my car and drove to school

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My mom prepared me pancakes, but i only eat half of it since i wasn't that hungry so i just went to my car and drove to school.

I'm already in the school carpark, and suddenly i heard dahyun screaming my name while running to me. Behind her was tzuyu hiding her face while walking behind due to dahyun loudness.

"Chaeyoungiee~ i heard there's a new exhange student today and i heard she's half japanese too

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"Chaeyoungiee~ i heard there's a new exhange student today and i heard she's half japanese too."
Dahyun said with excitement while tzuyu was nodding her head in agreeing with dahyun.

"And how are u Chaeyoungie? Ur so cute today."
Dahyun said.

"Oh thanks unnie, and i'm great today." i said and looked at tzuyu.

"Tzuyu why aren't you talking today? Usually ur so talkative?" I said.

"Oh nothing" She said.

Dahyun smack her own face and said "It's because Sana unnie wasn't in school today that's why she so moody."

I laughed while holding on to my stomach because tzuyu was shy and she hit dahyun in the arm.

"Anyways let's go to class, we might see the exchange student cause she's in the same class as us."

We all three walked beside each other and walked to class.

i hope this is a good story to read 😭.. (i'm so sorry if its too short)

 (i'm so sorry if its too short)

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