Part 2

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Chaeyoung Pov

We finally reached in our class and we sat down to our own table.

Then suddenly someone walked in and beside her is.. momo??

"Who is that beside momo? Maybe that's an exhange student?" i said in my thoughts.

"Everyone pls take ur seat and we have a new foreign student" Ms park said.

"Everyone pls take ur seat and we have a new foreign student" Ms park said

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"Hi.. my name is myoui mina but u can call me mina,  i'm half japanese and yes i'm momo sister which u saw me walking beside her. I hope we can be friends" she said shyly.

I stared at her while smiling and..

Our eyes met. My heart was beating so fast, it never felt like this to anyone before. My god what did she do to me..

Ms park told mina to sit beside me since there's a empty sit beside me. I sit next to a window and basically i like to sit alone and admire the trees outside when i'm bored in class.

Ms park told us we can do whatever we want since we learn a lot of chapters.

Mina suddenly wave at me and said "Hi what's ur name? you seem cool and i want to be ur friend heh~"

"Oh i'm son chaeyoung but u can call me chaeyoung"

Mina nodded repeatedly

"Can we exhange number so we can text eachother?"

I nodded and i told her my number.

"So chaeyoung.. is it okay if i call u cub? i mean u look like a tiger from afar it's cute."

it's cute
its cute
it's cute
it's cute...

The word repeat in my head while i'm blushing like a whole freak monster.

"Hello! chaeyoung-ah~ are u okay?" she said.

"Oh i'm sorry i was just spacing out, but yes u can call me cub i've been hearing people telling me i look like a tiger."

Third Person Pov

Mina suddenly wondered if chaeyoung worked out before ever since chaeyoung took of her jacket. she can see muscles from chaeyoung arms.

"Sorry cub, but this is weird but umm do u work out?" she asked.

"Oh yes i do, i learn taekwondo since i was 10."

Mina looked at her with open mouth.

"Wow cub! ur so amazing."

chaeyoung blushed and nodded.


Mina and chaeyoung walked out from the class and wave to eachother and went back home.

michaeng finally met??? 🫣

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