Part 8

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Chaeyoung Pov

I don't know how to feel about this. Why is mina hugging him even tho he did some shit to her?

I feel so useless.. I mean who would date me?

I'm so ugly and disgusting..

What's wrong with me...

"Miss son, please pay attention and stop zoning out in my class." Ms park said.

I nodded and pay attention while doodling on my sketchbook.

Mina Pov

I keep on staring at chaeyoung every 5 seconds. She looks tired. Like she hasn't been sleeping at all.

She always wear these jacket but it's super sunny and hot outside.

I even try to talk to her in class but she always makes excuses like she wants to use the toilet and come back with a red eye.

What did i do to her? Maybe momo knows what happened.

"Momo-ya, can i talk to u after school?" I said.

She nodded and continue to pay attention in class.

I'm so worried for chaeyoung..

Sana Pov

"Tzuyu-ah~ where are u goingg??" i hug her arms.

"Oh i'm going hanging out with dahyun and chaeyoung since chaeyoung feeling sad after the mina incident. Why? U wanna follow us?" She said.

I pouted. I wanted to hang out with just her but oh well i can hang out with her tomorrow.

"Hmm it's okay, I was about to ask u if u wanna go out with me ONLY. But u can hang out with them, i'm just gonna go out with jihyo nayeon and jeongyeon." i said.

"Where u going?" tzuyu said. I can sense jealousy in her.

"Whyy are u jealous tzuyu~" i pinched her cheeks.

She's so cute ahh!

"Hmph, in your dreams squirrel!" She walked away while i giggled at her.

Momo Pov

Were right now in my room while i'm sitting on my bed with mina beside me.

"Momo, do you know why chaeyoung is avoiding me recently?" Mina said with her worried eyes.

I sighed

"Minari.. I think it's best if u don't know. Maybe she wanted to rest?" i said.

"But momo please.." she said.

"Sorry mina but i can't i promised chaeyoung to not tell you..." i said

She sighed and walk away from my room.

God i wanted to tell her but i'm scared if she's gonna freak out about it..

I sighed and texted chaeyoung.


M : Chaeyoung-ah, i need to talk to you.

C: Momo? what is it?

M: It's mina.. She told me why are u avoiding her. Should i just tell her the truth?

C: Uh i don't know.. it's best if she don't, i don't want to ruin her relationship with BamBam..

M: But chaeyoung, you knew what's gonna happened to mina.. It's not just about Mina and BamBam being together again. It's about what's gonna happen to her. And i know you still care about her.

C: You're right.. I guess i'll think about it. I need to go Tzuyu and Dahyun are fighting over a stuff animal.

M: Okay.. Bye chaeyoung, Stay safe.

I sighed.. I seriously want chaeyoung to fight for mina. But i guess that scene of mina hugging bambam hurt her.

 But i guess that scene of mina hugging bambam hurt her

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