Part 11

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Mina Pov

I'm right now sitting on my bed staring at my phone whether or not if i should text chaeyoung.

But why is she avoiding me recently? I didn't do anything.

I groaned and i heard a buzzing sound on my phone.. Oh, It's just BamBam.


B: Baby~ wanna go out i found this cool café on my way home. Do u wanna come?

M: Sure give me a few minutes to get dress hehe.

B: Alright be quick! I'm on my way to your house right now.

M: Okayy~

I immediately got up and wear something comfy. I mean were only going to a café right?

I texted momo that i'll be going out with BamBam so that she'll know i'm not home.

I texted momo that i'll be going out with BamBam so that she'll know i'm not home

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I went downstairs and i heard a knock from the door. It must be BamBam.

"Hey baby~" I said while trying to give him a hug.

He backed away from me.

"Baby.. What's wrong? Am i doing something wrong" I said.

"Fuck all this bullshit mina. I'm sorry but." He said halfway his sentence while giving a smirk.

Someone covered my face with a black plastic bag that made me fell on the ground landing on my butt.

My hands was on the ground while they tried to cover me up.

I tried to scream but someone covered my mouth and they put me at a van.

I felt tears on my cheeks.

Please... Someone save me.. Chaeyoung...

Momo Pov

God it's been almost 10 and mina hasn't been home by now.

I texted her because this is the latest timing that mina had gotten out. Usually she goes home by 7
or 8


MM: Mina?? Where are you?

MM: Mina, answer me now. I'm getting worried.

MM: Mina please.

         Incoming call 📞

I heard someone phone outside the doorstep.. I expect mina to be outside but..

It's her phone on the ground.

No wait...

I checked her text message with BamBam.

I immediately know BamBam had something to do with this.

I called chaeyoung and the rest to meet up in my house.

Chaeyoung Pov


Momo nodded.

I kept on walking back and forth.

"Chaeyoung calm down we can find her." Jihyo tried to calm me down.

"NO!" i shouted that made them flinch.

I sighed

"I'm sorry, it's just that i'm worried so much for mina.." i said calmly.

"We could just call the police and some investigation to check something." Nayeon said.

"Wait i saw some handprints on the floor at ur front door? Maybe that's mina or bambam handprints you know, police can take that DNA's to know who took mina." Dahyun said

"Lets call the police about this" Jeongyeon said

I nodded while shaking my leg.

God mina where have u been..

BamBam Pov

I took mina to my basement and i took out the plastic on her face and tape on her mouth.

"Look how stupid you look. Thinking i've changed." I smirked at her face.

"B-bambam please.. i'll do anything, just don't harm me.." Mina said.

I smirked widely at her face.

"Anything huh?" I said while her face looks nervous.

"Have sex with me." I said without hesitation.

"B-bambam but please anything but that, I don't wanna get pregnant on this age." She said

I groaned.

"Fuck mina, i'm not getting u pregnant. I will use protection. I don't wanna make babies with you. I want to have sex with you. You made me so hard." I said while pointing at my dick standing up.

She gulped.

This is gonna be a fun night...

Chaeyoung Pov

Fuck BamBam... i hate him so much.

This police is here to collect the DNA from the handprints.

Momo is answering some questions to the police. While the rest is looking nervous or either talking to eachother.

I'm so worried about mina.

I knew i should've told her what BamBam gonna do to her.

"Hey chaeyoung.." I heard jihyo called my name.

I looked at her with my tear eyes.

"Look chaeyoung, i know you love mina so much. I understand how you feel right now, we will find mina as soon as possible. Don't cry it wasn't your fault. I'm sure when we find mina we can sent BamBam to jail." jihyo said while hugging me letting me to cry on her shoulder.

I sure hope we will find mina.

Fuck you BamBam...

Hey guys i hope u like this part because i don't 💀😭😭

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