Part 12

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Chaeyoung Pov

It's already been 2 days since mina had gone missing. i'm still hoping that i can find mina.

Out of all people why does mina had to be treated like this. I mean no one should. I already miss her.

"GUYSS!" Nayeon shouted.

We all stared at her with our confused face.

"So today.. Me and jeongyeon saw BamBam at some park." She said.

"And we overheard BamBam and his two friends, i think their name is Mark and Jackson. They were talking about mina." Jeongyeon said.

I stood up couldn't believe what they said.

"Wait maybe he took mina on his house? I mean the police didn't even check his house when they were talking to him about mina." Tzuyu said.

We all looked over to tzuyu.

"Tzuyu.. that's probably the smartest thing you said today." Sana said.

Tzuyu shrugged and continued to drink her coffee.

"Wait nayeon do you know where he lives?" I said.

She shook her head.

I groaned.

"We need to make a new plan. The first plan isn't working." Momo said.

"I got it..." Tzuyu said.

BamBam Pov

"Fuck you! You only have 1 rule it's to have sex with me and your even not doing it" i shouted at mina while hitting her body.

"Please B-bambam stop.." she said with her teary eyes.

Suddenly i heard my phone buzzing.

I groaned and tossed mina away.

I checked and it was Sana texted me.

I smirked. Sana has been the hottest chick i ever seen. Her ass is so big and her breast is so big too. She made me feel hard.


S: BamBam.. do you wanna hang out with me? just the two of us.. ☺️

B: Oh sure! Give me the address to the place u want us to hang out .

S: Here it's ****** Make sure to dress.. Casual.. And meet me on 4.30.

B: Bet see you there. ❤️

S: Yeah okay.

I turned over to see mina on the ground hugging her bruise knees.

"Look here bitch. I'm going out. Don't even try to get out. I'll call Mark And Jackson to guard the basement." I said to her face while grabbing her hair

She nodded and i tossed her away and went up to my room to get ready.

Sana Pov

"Ahh~ tzuyu why do u always have to make me go out with that disgusting creature." I pouted

I heard tzuyu giggled.

"Hey look sana, it's just a plan u need to go to his house to check the basement. And if he doesn't allow u to go in, just say where does the key to the basement is." Tzuyu said

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