Part 15

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Chaeyoung Pov

"WOOO LETS HIT THE BEACH BITCHESS!!" Nayeon and jeongyeon screamed and went in the ocean.

Jihyo sighed.

"I need to make sure they don't do anything weird in the beach." she said while putting our stuff down.

I can feel someone tapping my shoulder. When i turned around it was tzuyu.

"Chae, when are u really gonna confess to mina, it's already been few months." Tzuyu said.

i shrugged.

"I just.. Don't wanna get rejected you know?" i sighed.

Tzuyu nodded and grabbed my wrist.

"Well come on lets go play in the water with the rest!" She said

I giggled and ran to the water.

"Hmm chae can u reach the ground?" Jeongyeon said while teasing me.

"YA! Of course, i'm not that short!" I shouted.

We all laughed.

Few minutes later..

"Hey after this wanna go to my house?" Momo said.

We all agreed and went back to our stuff.

Mina Pov

I heard someone shouted my name when were packing our stuff

It's San.

How does he know it's me? Weirdo.

"Hey mina.. wanna play in the water?"  San said.

"Sorry San but i'm with my friends." I said.

"Well can we talk? Just for awhile please." He said.

I couldn't fight back so i agreed.

Chaeyoung Pov

I saw mina is talking to san.

When i was staring at them, i saw san eyes were looking at mina breast.

Shit why didn't she changed to her normal clothes yet.

I went up to them and grab mina wrist.

"Chae? what are you doing?" Mina said.

I cleared my throat.

"Sorry san, mina has to go now we're already about to leave." I said while giving him a death glare.

He shrugged and said goodbye to mina.

Jeez what a weirdo.

At Mina and Momo house

"Who's down to play... Truth or dare!" Sana said.

We all agreed and we sat on a circle.

"Soo who starts.." Tzuyu said

"I'll start because i'm the best." Nayeon said.

We all rolled our eyes.

"Tzuyu-ssi... Truth or dare?" Nayeon said while giving a smirk.

"This is easy, truth!" Tzuyu said

"Easy huh? Why do you like sana?" Nayeon said.

Tzuyu stared into nayeon while blushing.

"W-well... She's amazing, clingy and fun to talk to.." Tzuyu looked away.

"Hmph ur blushing as always when it comes to sana." Nayeon said.

"Tzuyu go choose someone else!" Momo said while munching on her chips.

"Gosh... uh, Chaeyoung! Truth or dare?" Tzuyu said

"Hmmm dare!" I said.

"I dare you to.. stay in the closet with the person on ur right for 5 minutes!" Tzuyu smirked.

I gulped.

Shit! The person on my right is mina!

God why is tzuyu doing this.

Maybe i could tell mina i like her!

I hope she have the same feeling..

I am so sorry for the late update. i was so busy these days i'll try my best to keep up!

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