Part 17

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Mina Pov

It's been a month since me and chaeyoung had dated. I'm so happy around her. She so comfortable to be around with.

And for fuck sakes, San won't leave me alone.

I'm so close to tell him to leave me alone but i don't wanna be rude to him.

*bell rings*

Aishh time to go to class again.

I can't wait to see chaeyoung!

Chaeyoung Pov

"Hii baby~" mina said.

I chuckled and greet her as well. i'm so glad she's finally mine. Only mine.

I always see San with her, she looks uncomfortable around him. Fuck if he goes to mina again i'm gonna face him.

*bell rings*

Finally!! It's end of school. Me and the rest wanted to hang out at the arcade today, but when i was on my way meeting them outside of school gate. I saw Mina kissing...San?

*flashbacks Mina pov*

"Hey mina can i talk to you?" San said to me

I silently groaned and hummed as a response.

"Mina.. i like you." San said with a bouquet of flowers on his hand.

My eyes are wide open

"Sorry san but i'm dating someone.." I said.

"What? Who is it?" He said.

"It's chaeyoung." I said

"Oh? You mean that short girl? Pfft what do you see in her anways." He said while laughing.

"I see her in my future actually. She's sweet unlike you. She protects me from danger an-" I said halfway through and..

He fucking kissed me!

I pushed him away and looked beside me.. it's chaeyoung..

Chaeyoung Pov

"Mina..." I said

"Babe, it's not what you think! H-he force kiss me and h-" Mina said halfway.

Tears went down my face.

"Save it. I'm going..." I said

I started to run to my car and drove away leaving mina and san.

Mina pov


"Mina i-" San said.

"SHUT UP YOU ALWAYS RUIN MY DAY! I FUCKING HATE YOU! GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I shouted at him and walk away and started driving to my house

Argh!! Fuck San! He ruins my relationship with chaeyoung!

I suddenly received a notification on my phone. It was momo


MM: Mina? where are you? Why is chaeyoung crying? What did you do?

  MN: Listen momo! It wasn't me please San forced kissed me and he hold me hard so i couldn't move! Please tell chaeyoung i'm sorry i didn't mean it!


Why is everything always ruin my day.

It's already been a day since that incident. Chaeyoung is acting so cold to me. This feeling makes me lose appetite.

"Mina? Eat your food before it turns cold" Nayeon said.

"Sorry i'm not feeling well i'm going home." I said packing myself and walk away from the cafeteria.

Momo Pov

I already told chaeyoung what happened to San and Mina but i guess she needs time.

But she needs to hurry up! Mina isn't eating any food since that day! Arghhh!!

"Chaeyoung-ah, forgive mina already she won't eat anymore. She lost appetite because of you acting so cold to her!" I said.

"Look unnie, I need time just give me a few more days." Chaeyoung said.

"In another few more days she's gonna lose her baby fat! So do it now! I don't want her to starve." I said.

"What's mina favourite food?" Chaeyoung said so randomly.

"Well anything that involves Heinz ketchup.. Why?" I said.

"You'll see soon after school." Chaeyoung said.

I shrugged.

Mina Pov

I'm right now trying my best to sleep because i couldn't sleep last night.

Then momo came into my room.

"Mina-yah, someone is here to see you" she said while smirking.

I groaned and go downstairs to see chaeyoung? Why is she doing here?

"Mina.. Come sit beside me." She said

I gulped and followed her lead anyways.

I can't help but to shake my leg. Is she still mad at me.

"Mina why haven't you been eating lately?" Chaeyoung said with her hand on her chin.

"W-well i lost appetite because ur acting so cold since that incident. But chaeyoungie please it was san he was force kissing me and he held me so tight so i couldn't push him." I said

She hummed.

"Are you still mad at me?" i said while pouting

"I wouldn't be here if i was mad" she chuckled and handed me a burger with KETCHUP!

My mouth wide open .

"Well have fun eating! And i forgive you anyways." She said while pinching my cheeks.

I giggled and started to eat.

TBC !!

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