Part 9

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Dahyun Pov

It's really good that me and tzuyu  get to see chaeyoung smile again after bringing her to her favourite place. The carnival!

"Dahyun-ah~ i'm hungry" Tzuyu said while holding her stomach.

"Chaeyoung won't stop bothering me" Tzuyu pouted.

I laughed.

"Chaeyoungie~ let's eat alright? Were starving here."i said.

After searching a place to eat, chaeyoung wanted to order us some food and asked us to seat here and wait for her. Maybe she is getting better after all.

Tzuyu Pov

Yay chaeyoung came back with our food! But wait she seems down.. Wait wasn't she so energetic just now? Why is she feeling down again.

"Chaeyoung-ah, what happened?" Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung shakes her head and started to eat her food.

"Do u perhaps know about this?" Dahyun whispered to me.

i shook my head looking confused.

Chaeyoung was so happy now she's feeling sad again? What's happening.

Chaeyoung pov

When i bought the food. I saw mina and bambam hugging eachother.

My heart cracks.

Why is it hurt seeing a person u never dated before hugging their boyfriend.

This is wrong..

Tzuyu pov

After we ate all the food we ordered, We decided to ride the ferris wheel but we saw momo, sana, jihyo, nayeon and jeongyeon together.

"Hey guys! What are u guys doing here?" I said.

"Shh tzuyu.. Were spying on something." Sana said

"And i think it's best if chaeyoung isn't looking.." She whispered to my ear.

"You guys spying on??" I whispered back.

She pointed to mina and bambam playing some carnival games near the ferris wheel.

My mouthed the word 'O' .

"Come dahyun and chaeyoung let's play some other games!" i said to them.

"But didn't you want to ride the ferr-." Chaeyoung said.

"Oh! i-uh i wanted to play some other games. there's something i wanted to get haha yeah.." I nervously said.

They both shrugged and head to the game i wanted to try.

Sana pov

Phew that's a close one.. We didn't want chaeyoung to see mina and bambam together. Or she will get more upset.

I feel so bad for chaeyoung. I didn't know she likes mina but since i know after what bambam gonna do to her.

Gosh mina.. why would u get back together with him. He's such an asshole.

Chaeyoung pov

When tzuyu and dahyun are busy playing the balloon game or whatever they called it.

I saw someone who i recognise from afar.

Oh it's mina and bambam again..

Gosh what is happening to my heart.

Mina looks so happy with him.

I shouldn't feel jealous. Not like i am her girlfriend or whats so ever.

I don't know my feelings towards her.

Do i like her? No.

Do i love her? Yes..

I love her since the start of school, and now it's our semester break. I hate this.

"Yah! Chaeyoung-ah. Come on we got the prize already lets go to them, Sana texted me to meet them at the ferris wheel." Tzuyu said.

Third person pov

Tzuyu ran up to sana and hugged her.

"Hey sana i got you this shiba-inu plush." tzuyu said.

Sana blushed and hug tzuyu.

"Jeez get a room.." Jeongyeon said.

They all laughed

They all walked together at the entrance of the ferris wheel, but suddenly mina and bambam was behind them.

They all shocked and greeted mina and that thing.

"O-oh hey there mina.. and some disgusting creature." Nayeon mumbled at the last sentence.

Mina greeted all of them and went back chatting with BamBam.

Chaeyoung on the other hand. She was trying not to look at the both couple behind them.

But when she looked behind them..

Mina and bambam are kissing.

They all saw the kissing scene and look over to chaeyoung. Tears flowing down to chaeyoung cheeks.

Jihyo immediately wipe them off with her long sweater and hug her.

Mina saw what happened.

"Chaeyoung.. Are u okay??" Mina said

Chaeyoung looked away and didn't answer her question.

"Oh yeah she just miss her grandparents because... uh she just remembered she went out a her grandparents and the carnival before!" Tzuyu said trying to make up a lie.

Mina nodded and went back talking to bambam. But she couldn't stop staring at chaeyoung.

I'll try to make part 10 today or tonight!!

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