Part 4

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Chaeyoung Pov

"WHATTT?!?" Sana shouted that made dahyun tzuyu and i closed our ears and people from the café was staring us.

"Wait... so that BamBam is mina ex, he want to get back together with her and used her body?? Wow that guy is so fucked up." Tzuyu said.

"Guys we need to tell momo about this, i mean mina and momo is sisters." Dahyun said in serious.

Momo Pov

i heard a knock on the door but i decided to ignore it because usually mina would answer it.

"MOMO CAN U GET THE DOOR ? I'M LAZY.." mina shouted.

I groaned and put away my bag of chips.

When i opened the door i saw dahyun and sana! But i don't know who is that behind them..

"Hey Dahyun and sana~! Who's that..??" i said in confusion.

"Hey momo, these are my friends. Anyways were here to talk about something serious but u can't tell mina." dahyun said.

I let them in and made them sit on the couch.

"So... Who's speaking?" i said

they looked at a girl who looks like a tiger. Damn.. why does she looks so cute at the same time.

"Hi i'm chaeyoung, i'm minas friend. I don't know if she told u that but i'm here to tell u something." she said

I nodded and asking her to continue what she wanted to say.

"So basically, I heard that BamBam is mina ex boyfriend..." she said

I was confused how did she knew that. Me and mina never told anyone before. Maybe BamBam told her??

"Yes i knew it because I ear dropped BamBam and his friend Jackson was talking about mina.. my future girlfriend." she said while mumbling the last few words.

"Sorry chaeyoungie i can't hear u what did u say at the last sentence?" i said

She shakes her head and continue what she was about to say.

Tzuyu pov

Well i heard what chaeyoung said.. I knew it she likes mina.

She was so obvious. She was blushing the whole time when mina was talking to her.

Me and dahyun smirked while looking at the couples. Wait what? I mean 'Future couples'.

Flashback (in school)

"Dude, look at chaeyoung she's blushing like crazy.. HAHAHA" Tzuyu said while holding her stomach while laughing

"Yeah, Do u think they will be together?? I even think they will be." Dahyun said.

"Of course, i mean look at chaeyoung. I never seen her like this before." Tzuyu said

They both laugh.

End of flashback

Chaeyoung Pov

"I hope this wouldn't affect mina but i heard that BamBam is pretending to like mina and he's gonna use her and make her as his fuck buddy."

I saw how momo was shocked.

"Wait.. Is it the BamBam who i heard who said he 'likes' mina at the locker at the end of school?" She said

I nodded.

"UGH! I CAN'T STAND THAT FUCKER." momo shouted

"Momo are u alrigh-." Mina came downstairs and she saw me.

"Oh hey cub what are u doing here?" mina said

"Minari, i need to tell u somethin-." i grab momo wrist that made her turn around and look at me before she could tell mina what i've said.

I shake my head and mina is looking at us in confused.

I shake my head and mina is looking at us in confused

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Thank u for reading till part 4 😭

I'll try to make part 5 and 6 tonight or tomorrow!!

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