Part 3

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Mina pov

It's already 4.30 and i finally reached home.


I groaned and walked up the stairs because i was tired to run.

"Yes momo, what do u need? I really need to go shower.." i said.

"Minari, i heard from the lockers that a boy likes you. If i'm not wrong his name is BamBam??" she said.

"B...BamBam??.." i said in shocked.

Bambam??? It really sounds like my ex boyfriend.. i broke up with him because i found out he cheated on me and used me for money.

"Umm..Well, have u seen his face? I'm scared if it's my ex BamBam you know..??" i said. I wanted to confirm because we haven't seen each other for 2 years.

"Hmm, i didn't" she said while eating her chips.

I groaned and walked out from her room.

After i finished shower i wore my comfy clothes. I jumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I really hope it isn't BamBam.." i said in my thoughts and fell asleep.

Chaeyoung pov

After school tzuyu, dahyun and i are going to a arcade because we have nothing to do at our house so might as well hangout with eachother.

But tzuyu said she wanted to meet with sana unnie, me and dahyun teased her and she was blushing like crazy..

Tzuyu likes sana ever since i introduced her to sana unnie . And since then they been hanging out a lot. Tzuyu gained her feelings for sana since the start. But.. we still don't know if sana likes her.

"Hey guys! Hi tzuyu~" sana said and tickled tzuyu which made tzuyu laugh.

We already in the arcade playing the basketball shooting game.

"Hey guys i'm gonna use the toilet for awhile." i said

they nodded and i walked away.

I walked out from the bathroom and i heard whispers about... mina. What! My mina?! wait what am i saying.

i decided to hear because who would even talk about mina.

I hid behind a wall that can made me hear what they're saying.

"Yo bro i heard that u like mina again, but didn't u leave her 2 years ago? Why are u liking her again?" BamBam friend said.

"Ugh, shut up jackson. I was just playing. I only said that because i wanted to use her as my fuck buddy." BamBam said.

I looked at them with my eyes opened wide. I took out my phone and voice recorded the whole plan BamBam is saying.

Dahyun, tzuyu and sana saw me and they told me why am i listening to their conversation.

"Shh, i'll tell u later i need some more information.. to save my mina." i said

"Sorry chaeyoungie what did u say at the end?" Sana said.

i shake my head and continue to voice record.

i honestly don't know what to feel about this 😭


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