Part 10

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Momo pov

Finally were at home.. I pull out my phone to text chaeyoung to know how she is feeling now.


M: Chaeyoung, Are u okay? How are u feeling right now?

C: Unnie... It hurts. My heart is still hurting. Why is mina hugging him and kissing him. After all the bullshit thing he did to her? Momo.. i liked her since she walked in the hurts so much when the person you didn't date but u love so much.. kissing someone else. i don't know what to say unnie.

M: Chaeyoung, I get how u feel. But don't forget you are the one who made the plan. You want to make mina feel happy right? Break them up. Make him suffer. Don't let what BamBam is trying do to with her.

C: Yes i know. I'm still thinking about it. I will make a plan about it.

M: Soo... What's your plan??

C: Ur so impatient aren't you unnie? Haha, meet me in this café tomorrow and i'll tell you. I need to rest now it's getting late.

M: Okay chaeyoung.. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

C: Thanks unnie! ❤️

Well i guess i have to meet her there tomorrow i guess..

As i was about to get ready to sleep, mina walked in my room.

"Mina? why are you still up? its late?" I said.

I saw mina eyes started to get teary.

"M-momo.. I don't know why chaeyoung is avoiding me. Can you please tell me why is she doing this? Please momo i'm begging." Mina said while fidgeting her hands.

"Mina... You did nothing wrong.. Maybe she needs a rest. She will probably talk to you soon i promise." I said while patting her shoulders.

Mina smiled a little and walked out.

God this is so hard for me.

The next day (still momo pov)

I already gotten up and went to the cafe where chaeyoung told me to meet up so she can tell me what's the plan.

I saw her from afar, she wave at me to let me know that's her.

I sat down infront of her.

"So chaeyoung, tell me your plan?" i said

"Jeez momo i didn't even think of the plan yet, i only called u here because i want your help for the plan." She said

I rolled my eyes playfully.

We spend hours.. and hours.. non stop.

It's already 3.30pm and i'm so tired. We spend almost 2 hours to think of a plan.

After we got a plan. Me and chaeyoung hi-five together and smiled.

"Momo unnie let's call the rest about the plan." Chaeyoung said.

I nodded and called jihyo.

"WHATSUPP MY GAYSSS" Nayeon shouted making us cover our ears.

"God i was busy thirdwheeling SaTzu.. THANK GOD YOU TOLD JIHYO TO MEET UP." Dahyun said making us laugh while Sana and Tzuyu blushed.

"So what's the plan, i'm not gonna stay here seeing sana and tzuyu flirting." Jeongyeon said.

Chaeyoung told the plan making them pay attention to her while i'm eating my food from the café.

"Ohh~ since when chaeyoung is so protective to mina~" Jihyo teased chaeyoung making her blushed.


We all laughed.

I hope this plan works successfully.

I hope this plan works successfully

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