Part 16

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Chaeyoung Pov

"YAH chaeyoung! stop daydreaming and go stay in the closet with mina!" Jeongyeon said.

i gulped and started walking to the closet while mina is behind me.

sigh here we go.

Mina Pov

arghh why does tzuyu gives such dares to chae! i'm feeling something in my stomach.

"So how's everything? is ur bruise getting better?" Chaeyoung said looking at me with a smile on her face.

I smiled.

"Well it's better since you always take care of me!" i said.

We both chuckled.

"Mina.. i have something to tell you." chaeyoung said while staring at me.

I hummed.

"Jeez i don't know how to start this but.. Mina, i think i'm like you.. no.. i'm inlove with you, when u were gone missing my head had gotten crazy since you were gone, or whenever i see you with San i always have this feeling of jealousy. I always think i'm not your type of person who would treat u better then any other guys.." Chaeyoung said still staring at me.

I looked at her with my wide eyes.

"Fuck.. forget i ever sai-" When she halfway speaking i grab her chin and kiss her.

We kissed for god knows how long.

After kissing we stared at eachother cathing our breath.

I giggled.

"Fuck you chae, i'm inlove with you too."

We smiled and we heard cheering from outside the closet.

When we open it... It the rest ears dropping our conversation!

"CHAEYOUNG YOUR NO LONGER OUR BABY ANYMORE!" Nayeon said while pulling chaeyoung cheeks.

"AHH THAT HURTS!" Chaeyoung said.

We all giggled.

i'm so glad she's finally mine.

Sorry short chapter 😭

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