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I sit in Jaime's living room, cross-legged on his very comfy L-shaped couch. He has less photos up of the band than I thought he would. I figured he would have an entire wall dedicated to the band. Practically the only thing to show he's in a band is one of his guitars on the wall and one of their records in gold on the wall next to the guitar. Its still pretty cool honestly, but I don't let it distract me.

Jaime called Tony last night a couple times. On the third attempt Tony finally picked up the phone. It turns out he's been in Arizona since he left the tour, just hiding out and waiting for the courage to come home. 

He and Jaime talked for a long time and Jaime apologized for everything that went down that night. He told him how out of order he was, and Tony did the same. Jaime told Tony he was fine with us and then invited him over to his place tonight so they could talk more in person.

Tony pretty much flat out refused to talk about me with Jaime yesterday, even after Jaime repeatedly told him that he was fine with Tony and I being together and that we had his full blessing. Tony didn't want to risk losing him all over again, so Jaime felt like having me here tonight instead of himself would show Tony that he truly means it, which is why I'm sat in Jaime's house waiting for Tony to arrive. 

I'm trying to be patient, theres still five minutes before Tony said he would be here, but its so hard. Tony's the kind of guy who likes to be early, so he could be here any second which is driving me crazy. I cannot wait to see him again. I can't wait to touch him, to smell him, to hug him.

A sudden knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts of Tony. Who cares about the thoughts, now he's here and I can have him.

I pretty much sprint to the door and pull it open. Tony stands there in his usual all black attire. His hair is a bit shorter than it was when I saw him roughly a month ago but it looks really good one him.

"Hi." I say.

He looks at me in confusion. I knew he would.

"Come in." I say, stepping aside so he can enter. He hesitates then slowly takes a step inside, looking around as if Jaime will jump out at him to end this weird prank.

"Whats going on?" Tony asks, still looking around Jaime's place. "Is Jaime here?"

"No, its just us." I say. "Jaime's not here."

"What? Why?" he asks, turning around to face me.

I want to jump into his arms and kiss him over and over again until one of us drowns in love, but I hold myself back. Tony would freak out if I did that right now in Jaime's place.

"Like he told you yesterday, he's fine with it. Us. He's okay with us." I explain to Tony.

"I don't think so." Tony says. I don't blame him for being weary.

I nod earnestly. "He is. 100%. He supports this, Tony, he really does."

"Alia-" Tony starts to protest, still not believing it.

"He's the one who set this up." I tell Tony.

Tony raises an eyebrow at me. "Sooo..." he says slowly. "He's really fine with it?"

I nod, unable to keep my excitement in. "Yeah he is."


"Serious." I nod solemnly. 

Tony's body visibly relaxes, all the stress falling off of him in a second. "Thank fucking God because I have been dying to do this."

He closes the distant between us, pressing his hungry lips against mine. I don't dare protest, in fact I do the very opposite. I cling to his body, my hands holding him close as if scared that he's about to be taken away. I kiss him back with all the desperation I have felt towards him for four months now. 

"We can be together." I say to Tony once our lips finally break apart. "If you still want that."

"What kind of question is that? Its all I want." he says and then just like that he's kissing me over and over, and everything in the world is right again.

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