Scene 13-"Strange Change"

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Jake stood, leaning against the wall watching his apprentice retake an IQ test, the same test Dimitrice gave her on the first day of her keeper moments. It was very suspicious that such test was given on the first day of delegations and Jake's intention was to find out why they took it. Perhaps it was her eyes that alerted the system to take the test, or maybe because of the fact that she often received visions every second of training, for sure he could not get the information he wanted from Doc but he still remained determined to find out why Dimitrice would not record the IQ test and have it inserted into the system's database.

The monitor infront of him showed a glimpse of what she was thinking of, the operations in her system seemed to be very normal all except her heart rate. It was as though something terrified his apprentice and only a glimpse of what was happening was revealed. "Cubes and pipes," he mocked and he watched the monitor begin to flicker, he hit the side of the monitor, in hope that the images would become clearer and not vague. Once the monitor was in line, he leaned back against his cubicle adjusting himself into a recreational view.

"How is she?" a voice startled his movement and he turned to see Lorraine walk in with an expression so weary, "So far so good" he replied, utterly confused at what she was doing here, "Don't worry, I, myself am confused why I asked of her condition" she spoke with narrowed eyes at the girl sitting on the cubes. Fine lass, of course, with her neon blue hair flicking to the rhythm of the little pulses of light that also blinked, her eyes were perfectly shut leaving her smooth skin to glow.

"So what have you gathered about the chap?" she asked breaking the awkward silence of beeps and metal clanging, "Not much, all is still but a dot" he replied, leaning forward with his elbow on his knees gazing at the fine hair strands of his apprentice, "she is very confusing" he said turning to look into lorraine's eyes, "Indeed", she nodded "This chap has had my sister worried, and me too. We do not know why but I suspect it has something to do with the missing keepers" her voice trailed off into a whisper that Jake himself did not understand why.

"True, but I find it rather, appealing. Unbearers tend to shove the system first before clearing the air" he spoke leaning back with his hands supporting his cheek, "A fact like that can ruin your reputation, Bond" Lorraine sarcastically spoke "It already has" he replied with a chuckle in the end of *has* .

"Perhaps if you dig deep, you may find a hole worth digging for" Lorraine added "Perhaps if I dug deep enough, I might reach the other end without having to dig it myself" lorraine's eyes glistened has it met his, they both shared the same intentions of something that no one in the system would understand; firstly it was not love, no it was the evidence of two minds thinking alike, but how could that be. Perhaps it was because they lived in the system far too long to think for themselves but with each other.

"A spade for a spade", Lorraine manly voiced, before getting up to leave. Jake watched as she firmly stood, "It was nice hearing from you today" he thanked "Likewise old friend" she replied before exiting herself from their presence.

He was all alone, with the monitors, the beeps and the liberator. Perhaps he should train in the tuition unit for a while, or jot down his observations, as he thought these his attention was pulled away by the sound of pain and gasps for air. The Monitors flickered and the beeps grew louder, he quickly ran towards Serena and swiftly removes the metallic wires that were attached to her skin, magnetic power pulled against his force and he noticed something very strange happen as he pulled the wires one by one.

"Mary!" she yelled, tears began falling down her cheeks, and he quickly untangled the hardened wires that burnt her skin "Mary! Where are you?" "Serena wake up!" he yelled shaking her by the shoulders, the girl was literally small, but muscular at least fit for her credentials. "Serena! Wake up!" he yelled but she did not open her eyes.

Twenty minutes later, twitch came in. Worried and lost, she wore them very cautiously, "Where is she?" she demanded "In the room," replied a linear that came as soon as he heard the emergency "Alone?" "No, with Mr. Bond and Doc, Madame" he stood aside with content respect.

Twitch entered the room, finding the doctor and bond, huddled in front of the liberator, as if creating a barrier around Serena to protect her from the flaming fury of the Commander. "Twitch, wait" but he was cut off with a glare that she sent directly to the Doctor. "Doc, Bond, do step aside" she announced with absolute force. The two Epidians retreated to the sides slowly; a pale faced girl lay with her eyes shut and her lips tightened together.

Her hands stiffly by their sides and her hair out of place; literally out of place, it was brown and this time, with pulses of light striking. "No metallic wires?" she asked, eyes focused on the sleeping abomination. "Taken off" jake assured her. "Anyone else knows?" "You, the Linear outside and us" Doc chirped in. "Does her father know of this?" she demanded, "Well, Evans wouldn't hide this from me if he knew it. He would have told m-"and again her infuriating glare and a grunt attacked him without a physical punch, but doc felt the pain, Mentally. "Twitch, we should alert the elders first," Jake added, "No," she snapped turning her face towards the bed. "Give her time to recover," doc implied with sadness in his voice.

"An Axis, an abomination lies in our presence!" she whispers but the whisper sends a direct pierce in the ear of two low credential Epidians. "We must get rid of her" she spoke but with absolute doubt in her sentence "Give her a few days" jake added. She could see that something else was the reason why he would defend such hypocrites "I Will deal with it" he added, "Since I have been her mentor for three months, I can gather as much information as anyone else. And lets settle this, you killed her sister, if I remember" he warned her in that sentence, but she did not go down easily instead she compromised "I give you two, until then, we will have her cleared off before anyone knows." "I'll report to doc whenever I get the information" "no," she snapped "You will report to me," before she left she took another look at Serena, at the doctor, at Jake and back at serena. "Mr. Bond, I hope you do not attach yourself. Because just like the metallic wires, you will get burned" and with that she left them to reminisce the atmosphere.

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