Scene 14-"Run"

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Serena woke up with a sting in the head and she could feel that her legs were numb and stiff so was her entire body. If this was because of another vision, at least she could remember that something happened. Her attention was quickly caught by an epidian sitting beside her with his head on the bed, is he sleeping? She had no idea who he was but he held her hand and it felt very warm. Should I move my hand? With the continuous argument in her head she did what anyone else would do, move her hand.

Jake's eyes fluttered as he adjusted himself to the bright light, "Are you okay?" the words spat out so quickly, his intentions were not found but he knew that once she woke up, she wouldn't remember him, or anything else, at least that's what he thought. The figure kept its eyes on hold, but that was it.

"Your eyes," he gasped as he drew himself closer to examine the strange change that happened. Her hair was brown and pulses of light flicked, her face however remained the same but with eyes that were not so common yet the foreign eyes held beauty, they were emerald or is it sapphire? He thought unsure of how extraordinary the eyes changed, the wires must have done something he thought again, he felt her gaze pierce through him.

"Who are you?" her voice so innocent and soft seemed to ring a few sirens in his gut. He had to do this all again, perhaps he should just print his name on her hand and tell her that he was his mentor. "I am Jake" he calmly told her, his mind of course drifted somehow to a far unimagined world where he thought he dreamt of a year ago, but that was all.

Once he explained he noticed her still tensed and wondered what she was thinking about. "Where is my family?" she asked her eyes that switched colours seemed to be so dark, her face was but a shade beneath the depths of undefined horizons. He needed to tell her, but where could he start? She had been forgetting everything one by one. But he told her, and he made sure he was prepared to receive a bunch of unexpected female epidian emotion.

"I'm sorry to say this," he began, her eyes held their darkness "But they are all dead" he watched as she held the constant darkness that made him wonder why she did not break into a block of emotions. Instead she lay back, allowing him to catch a bit of her nape as her hair fell back with her. "Who killed them?" she asked with her eyes glaring at the ceiling as though she knew perfectly too well who did it.

"We're trying to find out," he replied with a gaze of pity. He watched her close her eyes slowly, maybe he shouldn't have told, but he new too well it would now or never.

As she closed her eyes he held his gaze, her cheek so perfectly puffed and her nose in the correct shape. Her in a way suited her, not being to traditional, but making her glow too well. Every inch of her was in their rightful place, he examined her from top to bottom, when alas his attention was caught, there were bruises on her wrists.

"Are you okay?" he touched her hand and she jolted, instantly reacting by pulling her hand away. "You hand it has a bruise, miss peters" he replied noticing that she was so tensed. She quickly pulled herself up and stood firm, her head ached and feet were numb but she still had strength to escaped him by walking out the door only to stumble.

Jake watched her weak figure try to pull itself together, before she fell he quickly caught by the waist, her hair fell back, touching the floor. She was light and her face was pale, he met her eyes and she to his, they stared for a moment. Seeing that she was uncomfortable he pulled her up, carried her to a cubicle chair. "You're not well, you must sit." Her stomach ached and she knew this meant she wanted to eat.

"I will get Breakfast, wait here" he said after putting her on a soft, cushy seat. When he left the room, she noticed something odd had swept over and suddenly a tiny voice called her, not loudly but against the whispering air. Serena, Run.

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