Scene 20-"Antipathy"

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"Winfrey, this is a bad idea" he warned her but she didn't want to hear it, "Keep your voice down and just follow me" she replied. "Where are we going?" he asked because they had been walking for hours and seemed to be totally lost. "Quiet Kelvin, or you'll get us in trouble" "We are already in trouble, you just knocked out an elite with some liquid", she halted and turned to reply "it's not *some liquid* Kelvin, it's a specialised chemical that I gave that elite. His practically allergic to it, and his reaction to it is that he sleeps" she hissed and turned to walk in the thin cold air and blackness. "Sorry to get into your sour books" he mocked, but she chose to ignore his ignorance.

"Quit complaining and try to keep up" she teased, they walked for another hour in silence until Winfrey spoke "We're here" she patted his shoulder, "Where exactly?" he asked, "Euron Epidies" she replied, "What?!" he responded astonished at how far they had come to be fooled that they had just set foot in the sacred grounds of the System. "Quiet" she hushed him putting her soft finger on his half metallic and human lips. "They might here you" she whispered. "Who?" he asked, "the system." She cheerfully responded.

He watched as her hands searched the darkness only to pull a small circular figure, light flashed in his eyes and it hurt, "Winfrey what do you think you're doing?" he asked, "Just come in, I told you I was going to show you this, And I am" she pulled him by his hand and dragged him into the blazing light.

"It's amazing!" he replied glancing at the room of white images. The lives that were on earth was reminisced on the walls of the sacred grounds. "How did you know it was here" he asked narrowing his eyes into her hazel eyes. "From a piece of paper" she replied walking towards a glass cage, Kelvin noticed the bycone immediately and dashed to stop her, "Whoa!, What do you think you're doing?" he said holding her hands, "I know what I'm doing, just step aside" he couldn't do that, they were already in so much trouble and he couldn't get into more because he already had incurred other penalties. "It's not the right thing to do" he told her "It's not the matter of the right or wrong, Kelvin. Don't you get it!" she spoke. He looked into her eyes and saw ambition and hope. "We're slaves here!" she shouted. "This is our only chance to live a normal life. We've already seen it, Kelvin. I showed you what was out there!" she yelled "so why do you keep stopping me?"

He could not answer her, he agreed that there was a chance to rebuild earth, but he didn't want to give it a chance. He was afraid and Winfrey could see that, "I thought you were strong," she shook her head and pushed passed him. He felt hurt and pain and nothing but his father's disappointed face appeared yelling at him, telling him how he was a coward to fight for his mother, to fight for his dying brother and sister. She was right, he was a coward, but whether she liked it or not, he was a coward to who still loved her and he needed to tell her that.

"Winfrey" he spoke, "Just go, Kelvin. Leave" she snapped without turning her back. "I just-"she did not want to hear it.

But before he could tell her what was on his mind, what was in his heart, the doors behind them were pushed open and Ice, Teresa and Dimitrice walked in with the same liquid he saw Winfrey plunge into the neck of the elite, held in their hands. "What are you doing here?" he asked, shocked and terrified at what was happening, "We're sorry Kelvin, but we're here to finish what you couldn't" Teresa hissed.

"You traitor!" he heard winfrey yell; "I told you, for you alone" she cursed as she began to draw out a plasma gun. "I can't believe I trusted you!" she yelled pointing the gun at him, He tried to absorb the moment as he was confused, "Winfrey, I didn't tell them anything I swear" he spoke with his hand in the air, "He didn't have to," Dimitrice intervened, "You!" Winfrey's eyes darted to a figure behind them, "You! Little bastard!" she cursed, "We know about it, everything." The figure in the dark spoke, "Trying to build a new earth," it snapped

"What were you thinking?" Dimitrice asked "Don't you see, everything in this system is perfect and you're trying to ruin it!" Ice spat.

Kelvin stood there, caught in between two conscious he tried to figure out which side he wanted to be. But as always, his robotic instinct chose Majority. "Kelvin, get away from her" Teresa ordered, "Now!"

He tried to disobey, he really did but when he tried, his metallic conscious kept deterring him from it.

He watched as Winfrey shot plasma bullets, and he also watches what he tried forgetting. He watched them hold her down, her hazel eyes turn slowly into blood red as they plunged the liquid into her neck.

His father was right, He was a coward and he let them kill her. All of them

What did he do? Nothing and now he sat in void with hope to get his revenge because now unlike before he could feel anger and pain. He wasn't a cyboid anymore, he was a living human,

"they will pay" he muttered in the darkness.

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