Scene 19-"The Axis are Coming"

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"How could you be so shallow?" her cheek flushed with fury as she saw the one person she trusted stand on the line of betrayal. "Answer me, Damn it!" she cursed, her hands were chained with metal and blood oozed down her wrist, her face and everywhere else. "Do you want me to answer that?" the voice so familiar, she turned to the direction of where it came from. "No" she spoke softly, eyes widened and horror seemed to be the only thing she could redirect. "Surprise!" the ill voice spoke.

"But how?" she watched as the figure descended from the darkness, "How?" the figure replied, "Now, A good keeper never reveals her secrets" the voice so heavy and so shocking. Dimitrice processed all these, trying to understand what was happening. The only thought she could reminisce was the last scene she had with Serena, the story she told the one person who she thought needed to know. "Impossible" she tried saying, "We had it planned, it could have worked" she said, with trembling fingers pacing her head as she tried remembering the story.

"Think of it, Dimitrice. Think really deep. Who could have done this?" the figure leaned in with nothing but the smell of death and coldness in her eyes. "Think properly dimi, who could have survived that awful crash?"

Pacing, trembling and shaking of head a sign of rejection was inflicted on Dimitrice.

"I-This, no, it's not true" she spoke "They-I, We" she could not make out what she was trying to say.

And alas, a memory dawned into her eyes as the figure placed its hands around her neck choking the life and images out of the Cavalone Heir.

"Papa?" the tiny voice asked "Papa, what is this?" she saw a small girl with bright white hair flickering with lights, hold a small red stone. "Dimi!," yelled the huge man who sat on the chair, he quickly grabbed the object and shoved it in his pocket. "Sorry Papa!" she whimpered "What has papa always told you?" he raised his voice getting up to look in disappointment in the little lady.

A sigh was all he could do, afraid he might hurt her, he quickly excused himself and went to hide the stone.

"That's better, keep remembering Dimi. I know you can do it" spoke the figure who seemed to also see the memories flushed into the sight of Dimitrice "You're almost there" she spoke, with her hands still around her neck.

The images flashed and flashed until they landed on a timid girl, with Neon blue and white hair. She saw her sit on the chair taking an IQ test. "At the moment an average" spoke the familiar face "Do you think she'll make it?" Ice questioned, "If Winfrey could, she can" Lorraine spoke. "Assess her and we'll see what we can do," Twitch chirped. When they left the room, Kelvin came closer to her and spoke, "I can't do this anymore, Dimi" his voice so sweet and sad, "Kelvin, its not the time" she hushed him with hope that serena did not here him. "Winfrey's death is all I can ever remember, I want them to pay" he spoke. She could see in his eyes the grief and the hurt he bore. "I will help you, but we still do not know who they and them is" she replied. "We need to stay as low as possible" that's when it happened, the keeper seemed to be shaking intensively "Get out, Kelvin before she sees you again" she shooed. Running to unwrap the metallic wires she shouted to serena, "Don't move Peters, relax" she spoke.

So much light flashed and flashed until Dimitrice found a memory she had forgotten. She saw herself and Peters sit on the floor, talking about something intense.

"How did she die?" serena asked, inquisitive brat wouldn't stop blabbering questions. "An accident, she was a bit ill and we didn't know how serious it was" she replied, it was all a lie. "Oh, I'm sorry" she heard serena talk. "Its okay," "So frankly you were closer to her, right?" the keeper asked. "Oh, no not me, Kelvin was"

Serena watched with curiosity "They would laugh and talk about anything. Everyone adored her, she was the best of the best and sometimes a bit greedy with her work." A chuckle escaped. "I still remember the sarcastic phrase she used to paint us with when we'd ask Kelvin how he made it through his computer anger management. We always told Kelvin, that he could trust us on his little secret. "Kelvin, listen to them but don't trust them" I would be so confused at her parables but somehow Kelvin would nod and still tell us his little secret." She told her, "it was how it was"

Another scene came to dawn and she saw herself and Kelvin locked in a room "I know where it is" She remembered Kelvin speak, "and I know who did it"

The next thing Dimitrice pictured was a bright flash and dark figures enter the room. One by one they tightened metallic wires and too her horror the memory of this particular face came to light.

"She remembers" spoke one of the figures who watched the scene in silence. "We should alert the others, Kelvin is still out there" they muttered.

"Wait" spoke a faint voice, it was the one from the figure who had wrapped her hands around Dimitrice's neck, "If you find the cyboid, you will also find his lover." The speaker panted, her eyes glowing white as she walked near them. "We must find them before they do" she said heading towards the eight dark figures "But we must do it cautiously" they watched as her body quickly shifted by tiny cubicles into a small little innocent girl, "Once we get in, We will show them that we are there. They have no idea what's coming" the innocent figure spoke.

"What do we do with her?" kim asked, "Do what you think is best," replied the figure.

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