Chapter 1: The Ground

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The Ark's Sky Box: Present Day

"Mom? Mom? What's happening?" Mackenzie asked scared

Her mom and dad are being dragged away by guards, "Honey we love you so much!" Her mom yells

"Bug you need to be strong!" Her dad yells

"NO!" She yells

She tries to push past the guards but they stop her, "Please don't take them!"

She jerks awake, sweating and panting, "It's just a nightmare" She whispers to herself

She looks around at her surroundings; four gray walls with one small window overlooking space. A sight she is all to familiar with; she have been locked in this cell for around a year. Turns out punching a guard is not a great idea, even for the right reasons.

Suddenly, Mackenzie is brought out of her thoughts when the door to her cell slid open. She perks up when she notices that it was two guards, one armed with an electric baton and the other holding a large metal case, "Mackenzie Gilmore, Prisoner 325, stand up and face the wall" The armed one ordered

She rose to her feet, "What's going on?! I'm not 18 for another month, I have time, you can't do this...!" She yells

Her arm is roughly grabbed as she is spun around. She was left unanswered as they clasped a band onto her arm which made her hiss in pain when she felt pins puncture her skin. One of the guards roughly grabbed her upper arm and began to pull her out of the cell.

"Hey let me go!" She exclaimed, stumbling to keep up

"You can't do this to me, not yet!" She yells

The words feel deaf on the guard's ears, who only hauled her to the section. She glanced around, seeing that delinquents were fighting back against the guards who dragged them from their cells and shouting in demand to know what was going on. What is going on? Does this have something to do with what Clarke and Jake uncovered? She thought as she was led towards the exit that the others were all being tugged to.

What she was wearing had been looked over for a minute, before she was handed a dark jacket. She slung it over her shoulders, pushing her arms through the holes. She was led forward to where the others were being lined up, awaiting our next command. After a quick scan around, she didn't see Clarke anywhere close. She shook her head, figuring she'd see her soon, one way or another.

One of the guards up ahead shouted for them to start moving. In a single file line, they paced forward, Mackenzie sucked in a deep breath as they neared an opening. She peeked over the shoulder of the girl in front of her to see an old dropship, What the hell? Are they sending us down to Earth?

If what she's thinking is true, they are leaving their fate up to a rusty ancient ship that could kill them when landing if the radiation didn't. When entering, she was directed to the ladder, told to climb up it and find a seat. The old ladder creaked as she climbed up it, one foot after the other as she pulled herself up.

It took a minute, as she balanced herself onto her feet before she looked around. She finds an open seat and plops herself down when she couldn't find Clarke. Mackenzie sits down to next to a boy about her age, "Buckle up" She says

His head whips around, "Who are you?" He asks confused

Mackenzie sticks her hand out, "Mackenzie Gilmore"

He shakes her hand hesitantly, "Wells Jaha" He says

It clicks, "Oh so your..." She starts to say

"Yeah I am, you can probably get a different seat if you..." He starts to say

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