Chapter 12: Didn't Hesitate

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A feast between the Sky and Tree People begun once their dead were burned and properly put to rest. Mackenzie felt for a moment that it was insensitive, especially when so much pain was brought to everyone, but she kept those thoughts to herself. She only reminded herself that peace came out of this violent war. Mackenzie stood with her hands clasped together in front of her in between Abby and Raven, gazing across the long table full of steaming food to the grounders on the other side with a timid smile, trying to come off more peaceful than intimidating in fear one wrong look would set them all off into a frenzy.

Kane pulls out a small object wrapped in cloth from Abby's other side, "Please accept this gift, Commander" He offered, "We drink this on special occasions. I believe this qualifies" He pulls the cloth off, revealing a gray bottle with a clear liquid inside. Mackenzie knew it was alcohol and wondered if it was a good idea, but stayed silent again as Kane passed it to Gustus who handled it as if it was a bomb.

"Thank you, Marcus of the Sky People" Lexa replied in a kind tone Mackenzie had heard for the first time. Gustus handed her the bottle, causing the liquid to slosh

"You're welcome, Lexa kom Trikru" Kane says with confidence. Lexa is surprised at his use of their language and Mackenzie swears that the corners of her lips twitch like she's fighting back a smile, "Just, uh, don't drink to much of it" Kane cautioned quickly

Nodding, Lexa averted her attention to Clarke, "Clarke, let us drink together" She proposed

"It would be my pleasure" Clarke agreed lightly. A man comes up behind Gustus with two goblets, handing them to Lexa. She puts the drinks, leaning over the table edge to hand one over to Clarke and kept one for herself.

"Heda, allow me" Gustus offered. Lexa held the cup to him, and his eyes kept locked on Clarke as he brings the rim to his lips, taking a sip. Mackenzie waited, holding her breath like she expected something to go wrong, but nothing does. She glanced over, asking a peek at Raven, who had her jaw clenched, making her frown. Mackenzie reached out, gently resting a hand on her arm and giving her a faint smile when she looked over without a word.

Pleased, Lexa takes the goblet from her protector and held it up in cheers, "Today, we celebrate our peace, tomorrow, we plan our war" She announced, "To those we've lost and to those we shall soon find"

Before either Clarke or Lexa can bring the goblet to their mouth for a drink, Gustus is suddenly hunching over, choking and gasping for breath, Mackenzie jumps in surprise, eyes widening in horror as he falls back and hits the wall, shouts filling the air as his people surround him in alarm. She's only able to make out one shout, "It's poison!" Her eyes pass over Abby and land on the cup still held in Clarke's hand.

"Bellamy!" Mackenzie calls, pointing wildly to the goblet. Bellamy tears his stare off the scene and follows along quickly, lunging to the side and knocking the cup out of Clarke's hand, causing the liquid to spill and hit the ground.

Indra, the dark skinned woman that followed Lexa to the dropship, whirled around from where she raced to Gustus' aid and ripped her sword from her sheath, "This was the Sky People!" She accused in a snarl, sword's blade pointed directly at them. Several of Indra's people shove aside the table, murderous looks in their features as they ripped out weapons.

"This wasn't us!" Clarke exclaimed to Lexa from where Bellamy held an arm out in front of her, trying to keep her back, "You have to know this wasn't us!"

Ignoring her, Lexa shouted to the ones aiding Gustus, "Nou teik in em wan op!" (Don't let him die!)

"En au! Pad daun emo!" Indra commanded, (Everybody out! Search them!)

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