Chapter 18: Who Are We

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The heavy support Mackenzie was offering to Octavia weighed her side down but she held a determined expression. Jasper was in front of them, in the lead, while Bellamy was carrying Finn who had passed out long ago from the pain. The handle of the knife stuck out prominently, surrounded by blood that soaked through fast. Too fast to be considered safe, but having a knife digging in your chest was never considered safe. At the sight of the dropship's gate, Mackenzie breasted in relief, glad they weren't out of time any longer.

"Clarke!" Jasper shouted as he stumbled through the gate, holding it open for the rest, "Where's Clarke?! Get Clarke now!"

Mackenzie picked up her pace, keeping her steps steady to keep Octavia balanced. The crowd beginning to circle them, shocked to see their state, had Clarke moving through them from the summoning. Mackenzie could see her friend's face fall, her eyes become wide and her jaw drop at the sight, "Finn? Oh my god. Oh, oh my god" She shoved her way past Mackenzie and Octavia, her words falling to a whimper as she pressed two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse, "He's alive"

The two words had Mackenzie letting out a soft sigh of relief. Finn was alive, for now, "Mackenzie wouldn't let me take the knife out" Jasper notified Clarke

"No, that was a good call" Clarke confirmed but panicking as she gestured behind her, "Get him in the dropship, now. Go!" A small group of males surrounded Bellamy, taking over in carrying the injured male together and carrying him to the direction of the dropship.

Mackenzie gently tugged on Octavia's arm over her shoulder, "Come on, we should get you there too so Clarke can look at your leg" She tried to insist

For a moment Octavia allowed herself to be led away before she was shaking her head and pulling her arm away. Clarke, who had finished desperately talking to Raven about the radio, sent her a quick concerned look, "Hey, you okay?" She checked, noticing Octavia's limp as she pulled away from Mackenzie

"Yeah" Octavia mumbled weakly, waving both Clarke and Hailey away, "Yeah just go"

Clarke hadn't needed to be told twice. To Mackenzie's surprise, she grabbed onto the sleeve of her jacket before tugging her along. As her wrist was tugged, she ran to keep up. Now, Mackenzie was here, in the dropship, where Finn laid on top of a flat metal table, fighting death.

It doesn't take long for everything to become worse. The sky above them becomes a very dark gray, and soon, rain pours over them in heavy showers. Mackenzie could hear lightning and thunder booming and flashing just outside, leaving it too unsafe to be outside. To shelter themselves, every delinquent was ordered inside. Besides the weather noises, Mackenzie could hear Raven in the back of the dropship, speaking into her radio and desperately trying to get it to work.

"This is Raven Reyes, calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes, calling Ark Station. Please come in..."

The mechanic's voice was breaking as she repeated the phrase. It was starting to become tiring to hear, but Mackenzie didn't want to make the tenseness any worse. The female delinquent observing Raven on the other side crossed her arms over chest before questioning, "Are you sure you have the right frequency?"

Raven's head turned and she spoke with a hard edge in her tone, "Yeah, I'm sure"

Clearing her throat, Mackenzie put her hand on Raven's shoulder, feeling her muscle relax at the touch, "Raven, you got this. Just take a deep breath, okay?" She said, gently. Raven's head lifted to meet her reassuring and tender gaze and she nodded, focusing her attention back to the radio.

"Mackenzie!" At the sound of her name being exclaimed, Mackenzie turned to see Clarke studying the wound Finn was sporting, "I need to change this" She said, pointing to the cloth wrapped around the blade.

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