Chapter 5: Brave Princess

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It wasn't fair how Clarke was treating Wells. I mean she just met Wells on the dropship and as they were literally hurtling to their deaths, she found out he turned in Jake Griffin for attempting to expose The Ark's oxygen levels failing and then arrested Clarke for conspiring. Which in turn made Mackenzie punch a guard trying to protect Clarke getting her arrested as well. He might have done wrong, but given how close they have gotten since being down here, there had to be more to the story. She hasn't asked, almost frightened of the response she would get, but she knew that she could try with Clarke. The girl, as far as she thought, didn't hate her like she did Wells, hopefully.

Silently eyeing Clarke as she shoved supplies into a bag, Mackenzie remained crouched with her chin resting in her hand before speaking bluntly, "I think you should talk to Wells" The statement was clear and Clarke's features tightened

Clarke dropped the surprised look, shaking her head and wiping her hand across her forehead, "No" She said simply, "I'm not talking to him. Not about what happened"

Mackenzie realized that she had yet to realize herself the full story of what had happened. She still tried to assure her friend, hate being caught in the middle. She has always cared about Clarke and she is starting to care for Wells, "All I'm saying is that you should give him a chance to explain himself," She advised, remaining careful with her words, "He wouldn't have done something like that without a good reason"

Before she could respond, the level's floor latch door flew open and Wells climbed up the ladder to enter. Mackenzie turned her head to see he was related by the sight of the two girls, while Clarke was troubled, "There you two are" He greeted

Clarke stared at the bag Wells had made, "Nice pack"

Wells grinned, please despite Clarke being sarcastic, as he held the pack up, "Yeah, seat belts and insulation," He explained, "I packed part of the parachute, figured we could use it to cary out Jasper" He suggested

"That's amazing Wells" Mackenzie praised, glad he had done so, "Are we ready to go, then?" If the pair were leaving on a rescue motion, she was determined to go too

"No," Clarke responded simply and averted her narrowed eyes to Wells, "Give the pack to Mackenzie or someone else. You're not coming with us" She stormed off, climbing down the ladder, making it clear that she didn't want to argue with

But Wells had not been able to let it go. He was confused, following Clarke back down the ladder, "My ankle's fine," He protested

Mackenzie frowned, trailing after them and knowing that Wells' ankle had nothing to do with it, "It's not your ankle, Wells" Clarke snapped, "It's you"

"Clarke," Mackenzie said strictly, full of emotion as she landed on her feet

She gave the other a stern look, reminding her of their short conversation from earlier, but didn't miss the way that Clarke hadn't seemed to care, "You came back for reinforcements," Wells argued determinedly, "I'm gonna help"

From where he was leaning against the dropship wall, Monty stepped forward to join the three and cut into their conversation, "Clarke he's right" He insisted, "We need him. So far, no one else has volunteered" Although it was disappointing, Mackenzie knew it was fair enough. It was scary, not knowing what was out there that had attacked Jasper

Shaking her head, Clarke informed him with an apology, "I'm sorry, Monty, but you're not going either"

"Like hell I'm not" Monty shot back when caught off guard, bravely becoming closer, "Jasper's my best friend" Knowing that if Mackenzie was in his position, with either Wells or Clarke out there in danger, she was about to agree but Clarke stopped her before she could with a good point

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