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Niall walked down the street with his hands tucked firmly into his pockets. He was listening to his favorite playlist, nodding his head along with the beat of the pop song flowing through his earbuds. He was excited because he knew that in a matter of minutes he'd get to see his new friend Harry again.

The bench where Harry usually sat was right in front of the bus stop, which Niall assumed Harry rode. The bus stop was almost a block away, and Niall figured he'd have time to say hi to Harry and head back home.

Niall's mum allowed Niall one free hour in the afternoon to go about the city and explore. If he was late, he'd receive a scolding that would indefinitely make him feel awful for the rest of the day. Maura knew her son was sensitive, and sometimes she'd use this to her advantage.

But Niall wasn't concerned about that right now. He was only thinking about how amazing it would be to see Harry again.

The curly haired lad had somehow worked his way into Niall's mind over night. Niall definitely felt something for the boy, whether it just be a feeling of close friendship. All he could really be sure of is that he wanted to see Harry, even if it were for just a few minutes a day.


Harry was sitting on his usual bench, tapping his foot in boredom. He didn't even ride the bus, so what was the point of waiting here every single day just to see some cute blonde kid for a short moment. Besides, this has been going on for almost a month now and he just learned the lad's name yesterday.

"This is ridiculous." He mumbled to himself, brushing his hair away from his forehead. He was beginning to get annoyed with himself. Why couldn't he just ask Niall out? Invite him over for dinner or something? If anything, at least ask for his number. Hell, he didn't even have the guts to ask for his name.

Pathetic. He was lovestruck and pathetic.

"This is sad. What happened to you Harry? You used get all the girls. And the guys." He said, shaking his head at himself.

He was throwing away his whole lifestyle just to give this boy his everything.

What made Niall so different than all of the others that he's been with? He can't stand out that much, could he?

But then, Harry looked up and saw Niall coming into his range of sight. His blonde hair was down and out of it's usual quiff, the light whisps gathering over his forehead and almost hanging into his eyes. The flower crown perched in his hair was pink, and he was wearing an Eagles 75 shirt with yellow sleeves. Skinny jeans hugged his adorably small legs and his feet were clad in high-top converse. There was a huge smile spread across his face and he was holding his arms around himself, swaying. It was like he was slow dancing with himself, but instead of looking weird or crazy, he honestly looked beautiful.

Harry felt himself grin as he watched Niall, astounded at how carefree and innocent someone could be. Niall was so sweet and pure, kind of like a plain of untouched snow. Harry got that feeling in the pit of his stomach again, the one that drove him crazy and kept him up at night. The feeling that made him realize that this is exactly who he belongs with. Niall was the only boy he'd ever love.

"Hi." Niall said softly, taking his earbuds out and sitting down beside Harry. Harry smiled.

"Hello love."

He liked the blush that spread over Niall's cheeks. He liked being the cause of that blush. He didn't realize that he could have any effect on Niall, but that cute little blush said otherwise.

"Harry Styles," Niall said confidently. "I like you."

"I like you too, Niall Horan." Harry smiled. Niall's cheeks reddened once again, and he looked down at his lap. A small giggle escaped through his lips, yet he wouldn't look up.

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