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"Harry, I really hate to tell you this, but Niall isn't exactly fit for work." Liam said, pushing his plate away from him. 

"Well there has to be somewhere. I can't just leave princess alone all day, everyday." 

"No good paying job offers a babysitting service on the side Harry. You can't just bring your boyfriend to work. Especially one who doesn't know how to use basic kitchen appliances." Louis said, motioning quietly to the boy, who had reentered the room to get a juice box from the fridge but was having a hard time getting the drawer open. 

"I realize that, but guys Niall needs to grow up at some point," Harry smiled over at his baby, who was now struggling to get the straw into the hole of the box, "Well maybe not fully grow up, just learn how to make money." 

Louis got up from the table, clearing everyone's plates while he was at it, "I just can't help but see this idea as a failure."

Harry sighed loudly and rolled his eyes. He knew that there had to be some type of job that Niall might be suitable for, or could at least not get hurt while doing.

"Maybe he could be a waiter somewhere?" He suggested, getting blank looks from everyone at the table.

"Niall, carrying hot trays of food in one hand and a breakable pitcher filled with liquids in the other. Great idea." Zayn scoffed.

"Well the poor baby has to be good at something." Harry sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"Of course he is. Ni's good at lots of things, just not things that are traditionally valued in an occupational setting." Liam said, smiling at Niall. 

"What about singing, he's always been good at that." Harry flashed back to the first time he saw his princess on that bench. A smile from ear to ear and a flowercrown pressed into his hair. He always hummed along to the beat of whatever song was flowing through his headphones. 

"I don't see how that's employable." Louis sassed.

"It's not. But, we could see if we could make him think that it is." 

"Bloody hell Harry stop talking in riddles. What's your idea?" Zayn groaned. Harry huffed and rolled his eyes. Some people never had any damn patience.

"I'm saying, why don't I go to work at that cafe he always goes to." 

"And? Where does that tie Niall in? He can't just freeload in a booth all day." Louis said. 

"Let me finish Luis." Harry said, using the name that he knew Louis absolutely couldn't stand. "I can trick Niall into thinking that he works there as well, but as the house entertainment. He can play guitar and sing. I could pay him a cut from my paycheck so he thinks he's working too." 

"Harry, that's really not a bad idea. And, I saw a help wanted poster out front a few days ago when I went for my run. Niall's waitress friend must have quit." Liam nodded in approval. 

It was then decided that Harry and Niall would make a trip to the cafe today. Harry was slightly worried, but figured that if he kissed enough ass, they'd allow Niall to be "employed".


Niall was all kinds of excited when he found that Harry was going to help him get a job. He put on his nicest black jeans and a pale blue button up shirt. He also stole a worn brown leather pair of Harry's boots, hoping that he wouldn't notice it. Niall wanted to wear a flowercrown, but Liam had told him that it was inappropriate for a job interview.

Liam wasn't trying to be harsh when he told him that, it was just that he really did want Niall to be able to "work" at the cafe, and didn't want the boy to ruin any of his chances looking too frivolous.

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