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Harry soon regretted having the talk with Niall, because apparently he hadn't been clear enough in stressing that you can't just jack off in front of people.

"Um, what you doing there Nialler?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow at Niall who was moving his hand spastically under the kitchen table.

Liam, Zayn and Louis were all home now and Harry had reheated the food for them to all eat. For some reason, Niall felt like this would be the best time to test out his new skills.

"Harry taught me about masterbating!" Niall said excitedly, although his hand was still moving.

Harry groaned, letting his head hit the table, "Oh my god."

"Ohh, right. Not in front of other people." Niall remembered.

"How about never babe okay? Just don't ever do that." Harry muttered under his breath, peeking up from the safety of his arms to see three pairs of intensely shocked eyes staring back at him.

"Can I talk to you Harry." Liam said more than asked, through gritted teeth. He and Harry walked out of the room, far enough away from the kitchen that Harry was beginning to think that Liam didn't want the others to hear the sounds of his screams, because the look in Liam's eyes expressed death.

Liam opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it again. Then he just looked at Harry, and if looks could kill Harry would be six feet under.

"What the fuck Harry." Liam finally said, shoving an agitated hand through his hair.

"He was relentless Liam and- and he might have um-" It was even more embarrassing the second time he had to admit to it. "Walked into my room while I was, you know-"

"Jesus fuck Harry were you really that horny?"

"Liam he stripped in front of me unexpectedly! I wasn't prepared!"

"What all did you teach him?"

"The same thing his mum should've taught him, minus the mechanics. Except for that little masturbation thing but I mean, he has a right to know! He's almost 17 right? He should know these things by now." Harry was word-vomiting, mostly to keep Liam's mind off of beating the shit out of him.

"Alright. I'll finish this talk up with him." Liam said. Of course, he was only Niall's cousin. But they were close enough to be able to discuss things like brothers would. And older brothers help out with this sort of thing. Besides, Niall would be living with him. They were bound to run into some question or another that involved this topic eventually. Maura had been fully negligent in this area, among other areas that made Niall the innocent boy he was today. But innocence can sometimes lead to ignorance, so the best thing for Liam to do would be to help Niall learn as much as he could without fully changing the boy for the worst.

Harry nodded, breathing an audible sigh of relief and turning to walk away. But before he could, Liam rested his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"And mate, I'm just going to tell you right now. If you ever do anything with Niall before he's ready, I'll kick your ass, alright?"

Despite the smile Liam was wearing, Harry wasn't so sure if he should take what had been said as lightly as that smile might have indicated.


After dinner, sans the cupcakes that never quite got made, Liam decided that it was time for him and Niall to go home.

"You guys could stay another night." Harry offered, Louis and Zayn nodding in agreement.

"I should move Niall into his new room." Liam said, wrapping his arm around his cousin's shoulder. He had a guest room luckily, that was currently being used for when his mum and sister's came to visit. But, as far as he was concerned Niall was the most important person in his life right now.

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