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Niall woke up with his phone pressed against his ear. He checked the time to see that it was 9:00am, which was just the right time for him to go on his morning walk.

He got out of bed and went to his closet, unsure of what he wanted to wear today.

He smiled at the kitty sweater, but whispered to it that he'd wear it tomorrow. His outfit for today had to be perfect, because he was spending another day with Harry and his colorful array of friends.

He decided on a light teal t-shirt that read, "Free Hugs" across the front with a pair of white skinnies and his favorite pair of white high top converse. He brushed his hair a bit and slipped a white flower crown in that had white petals and yellow middles.

Niall smiled at his reflection, seeing himself as Harry might see him. He supposed that it was pretty safe to say that He was developing a very strong affection for Harry.

Niall slipped his phone down in his pocket along with his earbuds and headed out of the door. He was excited to start his usual routine.

"Bye mummy!" Niall called out, not bothering to listen for a response as he walked out of his house.

Niall walked down the sidewalk with his headphones in, listening to old Justin Bieber tracks while thinking about what he was going to do with his free time today.

Maybe he'd stop by Liam's house and they could go to breakfast together! Or maybe Niall could call Ed and Josh and see if they'd want to meet somewhere?

Niall decided that today, he preferred to go alone.

So, smiling brightly to himself, Niall headed into the small town right by his neighborhood.

Up ahead was a café that Niall regularly visited. Sometimes alone, sometimes with someone else. He was hoping to take Harry here for lunch, but sadly it never happened.

Niall pushed the door open, hearing the small overhead bell chime.

"Hey Ni baby! How's it hanging." Mary, one of the waitresses, called from the front. Niall grinned and took his usual booth in the back corner, with a lovely view out of the window.

Mary came over and took her spot across from Niall, resting her chin in her hands and smiling brightly at Niall with that typical fire that rested behind her bluish-grey eyes. Mary was in her late 20's, but she still managed to look about 17. She had long hair that she loved to dye extraordinary colors. Today, it was grey with a light hue and blue tints, almost like her eyes. She had lots of piercings, which might have intimidated Niall had they been on anyone else but her. She always dressed like she was going somewhere lovely but Niall knew that she simply went home to her cat after her shift ended.

"So baby, anything interesting happening in that life of yours?" She had a thick accent that Niall couldn't place. It was definitely American, perhaps Brooklyn? He'd heard of that place a few times. Or maybe it was Western. Niall decided not to dwell on it.

"I met a boy!" He said, smiling while a blush crept over his cheeks.

"Oh my. The little lad's growing up," Mary wiped away a fake tear. "Can I see a picture?"

Niall thought back to the time when he and Harry were sitting in the living room, watching a movie.

He pulled his phone out and went to his photos, looking briefly through them before finding the right one.

"Here!" Niall grinned, showing her the picture.

Harry's eyes were glued to the screen, there was a small smile across his lips that lit up all of his features. His jaw bone was sharp, and you could just make out where his arm extended to wrap around Niall's shoulders.

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