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Harry stood at the stove while Niall watched from his perch on the counter, biting into a toaster cooked plain waffle. Harry had asked him if he wanted anything on it, but Niall declined.

Louis clumped down the stairs, stomping loudly through the kitchen to the medicine drawer by the fridge.

"I feel like I get hit by a bus." Louis groaned, taking a handful of Tylenol from the bottle and dry-swallowing all three.

"Hangover?" Harry asked mockingly. Louis growled, not even bothering to answer.

"Once these kick in enough for me to see straight I'm driving to my mum's to spend the day." Louis said, referring to the pills he'd just taken. His mum had a cure for hangovers that worked in less than half and hour.

"Alright. Will you be home for dinner?" Harry questioned, aware of how much of a mother he sounded like himself.

"You've had my mum's cooking. Of course I'm coming back here." Louis joked. Harry rolled his eyes and slid the first batch of pancakes onto a plate.

"Are Li and Zayn up yet?" Niall said, remembering not to talk with his mouth full.

"I think I heard someone moving around up there." Louis said, his tone softer. Niall never noticed it, and if he did he probably wouldn't think much of it, but everyone talked to him in a softer voice than how they would normally talk. It was the voice people usually reserved for babies and animals, almost cooing but not to much so that it made things awkward. Harry even noticed himself doing it at times.

Harry slid the plate of pancakes in front of Louis, along with the butter. He knew Louis well enough to know that he would want them, even if typically he wouldn't ask for some.

Liam and Zayn both came downstairs a few minutes later, both sitting down with Louis at the kitchen table.

"Hi Lili, hi Z!" Niall said excitedly, bouncing over to the table to sit on Zayn's lap.

Liam groaned and let his head lay flat on the table. "Now I remember why I quit going to high school parties."

Zayn wrapped his arms loosely around Niall. Miraculously, neither of them had to suffer through hangovers.

Harry watched on from the stove, not being able to stop the jealousy that poured out of him from seeing Zayn hold Niall. It all looked friendly, nothing like what had happened last night. But for some reason, Harry felt like Niall was going to leave him. He'd never felt this insecure before in a relationship, but now he was beginning to wonder if maybe he just wasn't enough for Niall.

He'd always considered himself attractive, decent at the least. But maybe Niall liked the muscle type. Should he start working out?

Harry felt arms around his waist, and he turned around slowly to face Niall.

"You looked so sad." Niall pouted, pressing his lips to Harry's nose.

"M'not sad. I'm just thinking." Harry sighed. He turned back to the stove and put the last of the pancakes onto a plate. But suddenly, he wasn't very hungry anymore.

Maybe their relationship wasn't something Niall was ready for. Or maybe their relationship made Niall ready for other boys who could do things right.

"Hazza?" Niall asked softly, pulling on Harry's hand. Harry sighed.

"Yeah." He tried to keep the bite out of his voice, but he couldn't help it. He felt like he was losing Niall, the only person he'd ever truly been able to fall in love with.

"I love you." Niall placed a soft kiss to Harry's lips, still holding onto his hand.

"I love you too."

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