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"That's my boyfriend you're dance-fucking." Harry said through gritted teeth, yanking Niall away from the creep. He glared at the guy coldly.

"Whoa man sorry. I didn't see anyone with him. He has a rockin' body though. Call me." He winked at Niall who giggled, not knowing any better.

Harry had kept his calm, but that was the tipping point. He balled his hand into a fist and slammed it into the bloke's jaw, causing him to reel back. 

The look on his face told Harry that A.) he hadn't been expecting that and B.) that Harry was about to regret his existence. 

"Good meetin' ya." Harry said shortly, lifting Niall up over his shoulder and carrying him to the bar where Liam, Louis and Zayn were still drinking. They were all three hammered and in no condition to rescue Harry's ass from being handed to him on a silver platter. 

Harry quickly slammed 20 dollars onto the bar, knowing that that was probably only 1/4 of the cost of their never ending tab.

"I'm about to get the shit beat out of me because I punched beefy McDouble over there." Harry said, motioning to the guy weaving through the crowd in slow motion. 

Zayn sighed, not bothering to answer. He was sober enough to pick Louis up the way Harry was holding Niall and carry him while dragging Liam along behind him. 

The five, well Harry and Zayn, ran down the sidewalk towards the car which was parked down an alley. Liam staggered behind, trying to keep up despite the fact that he hadn't been this drunk since high school. Niall giggled like this whole event was completely hysterical, which made it hard to hear if there were footsteps behind them or if they were just running down the street for nothing. Louis was the only one who seemed to be 100% unaffected by what was going on, basically passed out in Zayn's arms.

Harry looked over his shoulder, only to see that they were being chased, but at a drunken walking speed. If this guy ran, there was no doubt that it would end in vomit.

"Too bad beef and noodle can't keep up." Harry screamed over his shoulder, trying to start more than what had already been started.

"Harry are you trying to get us killed?" Zayn questioned, nearly ready to vomit himself.

"Look at him." Harry laughed. 

They all stopped and turned around, only to see the guy begin to throw up his stomach contents in the grass beside the sidewalk.

After everyone stopped laughing, Harry led them back to his car where he loaded Liam, Niall and Louis into the backseat, making sure to put Louis in the middle and leave all the windows down. He knew Louis wasn't a puker, but he wasn't so sure about Niall and Liam. And he'd had too much experience with steam-cleaning his own vomit out of Louis's car to want to have to clean someone else's out of his.

"Goddamnit Harry you're so lucky I didn't order more shots." Zayn said, slouching down into the passenger seat.

"I really really love you Hazza." Niall slurred from behind Harry. Harry grinned.

"I love you too babe." He said, starting the car up. He drove out of the alley, leaving the guy to wake up on the sidewalk the next morning completely disoriented and in a puddle of his own vomit.

But Harry didn't feel too bad. It happens to everyone at some point.


When they got home, all three of the lads in the backseat were asleep.

"I'll get Louis and Niall." Harry sighed, turning to Zayn who nodded. Liam couldn't be carried in.

Harry unbuckled Louis's seatbelt first, pulling him into his arms and carrying him awkwardly into the house as he'd done many times before. He laid him down in his bed, not bothering with his clothes. Louis had been passed out ever since Zayn carried him out of the club earlier, so Harry figured if he ever woke up he'd take his own clothes off.

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