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"Tell me Harry." Niall whined, wiggling around anxiously in his seat. Harry slid his hand over and rested it on Niall's thigh, rubbing softly.

"Not yet kitty." Harry smiled, continuing to drive down the road. His hand loosely grasped the steering wheel and he turned up the radio a small bit. Niall wouldn't let him put it on any of his favorite rock stations and demanded that he keep it on 104.9 hits fm, a ridiculous pop station with too many commercials for Harry's liking.

Niall smiled and tapped his fingers on his lap to the beat of the song, wondering why Harry wouldn't tell him. The road they were on was seemed to be never-ending and after a while Niall began to grow restless.

"Are we there yet?" Niall asked excitedly. He leaned forward, looking at the road through the windshield. He decided that where they were going had to be good, because all surprises were good!

"No kitten." Harry chuckled, squeezing Niall's thigh comfortingly. Niall wiggled around in his seat, looking at Harry with puppy-dog eyes and whimpering slightly.

"Tell meeee." Niall whined, stretching out the end of 'me'. Harry shook his head again.

"Never baby." Harry winked, grabbing Niall's hand and pressing it to his lips.

Niall huffed and slumped back in his seat, looking out of the window. He watched as the city they were in slowly materialized into rolling countrysides and large green pastures. He'd never been so far out of town without his mum before. Niall always knew a small part of him wondered what it would feel like to be bad. He kind of liked this feeling. It made his heart beat fast and the palms of his hands feel chilly. He giggled, a fierce blush shading his cheeks. Niall liked this new thrill.

They pulled up in front of a small toll booth. Niall looked around to see nothing but wilderness surrounding them.

"H-Harry where are we?" Niall asked worriedly.


Harry immeidatly went into panic mode. This was supposed to be so romantic, he had it completely planned out. But Niall sounded scared, almost petrified.

"Niall baby I wanted to take you on a picnic." Harry said softly.

"Oh," Niall smiled into his lap. "I like those."

Niall had never actually been on a picnic before, but he just felt like it wasn't the most appropriate time to throw that in.

Harry breathed an inaudible sigh of relief, turning the car into the payment lane.

"Good princess. You're going to love this one."

Harry paid for a two hour time slot, driving past the entrance and taking a winding road through the forest to a small clearance that he'd been coming to with his family for ages. Occasionally, when he needed to think he would come here alone.

"Here we are," Harry stopped the car and looked to Niall. "Is this alright?"

"It's lovely." Niall giggled, hopping out of the car and wandering out into the open space.

Harry watched this strange wonder of a boy through the windshield. Niall had his arms spread out wide and was turning in big circles. The fall leaves surrounding him in the backdrop were absolutely stunning. Harry was envious of artists, because this moment should have been captured and framed to be hung up in a palace somewhere or something. But Harry didn't necessarily believe that taking a photo on his phone would be the same. Also, it might seem a tad bit creepy.

Harry got out of the car and opened the trunk, pulling out a blanket and a cliche wicker basket. He carried it to where Niall had fallen flat in the short, drying grass. Harry sat down his things and moved to lay down beside Niall.

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