Chapter 2 'Tense bike ride'

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Blue stood on the driveway with his eyes closed still, putting his cold hands into the jacket pockets. His hand hit something inside the jacket, he pulled out a red lighter.

He stated at fir a few moments before he stuffed it back into the pocket, looking back up thinking nothing of it.

He was waiting for another 5 minutes until Cyan finally came out, he was in the red hoodie and had thin black cotton gloves on. Blue smiled at Cyan as he walked up to him, Cyan held out some thick, dark green and gray gloves for him to wear.

Blue looked down at Cyan's gloves then to the ones he held. He'd grab them, putting them into his jacket pocket. "Thank you" Blue smiled at his kind gesture. Cyan smiled back, picking up his red bike by the handles.

Blue did the same as him, holding tightly to the handles of the blue bike. Cyan walked down the driveway, looking around the dark streets and houses, most had no lights on. Blue followed him, looking a little uneasy now.

Cyan got onto his bike, keeping his feet on the ground to stabilize himself. He kept his hands on the handles, slowly looking at Blue as he was at the end of the driveway. "Aren't you going to get on your bike?" Blue walked onto the sidewalk with his bike, looking at Blue.

"Well, it's just I've never rode a bike.." He shrugged. Cyan laughed lightly, staring at Blue's uneasy face before suddenly stopping. "Oh, you're serious?" Blue looked down, smiling and laughing lightly as well, embarrassing.

Cyan looked at his bike then Blue "We'll start off slow.." Blue nodded, he watched Cyan put his feet on the pedals, nodding forward. "We can head down there first." He looked back meeting Blue's eyes and smiled "You'll be a natural." Blue nodded, watching Cyan pedal forward slowly, prompting Blue to wobbly pedal forward after Cyan.

Cyan was laughing quietly, staring at Blue. "You're almost 18 years old, and scared of riding a bike?" Blue rolled his eyes, he was doing well enough. "No one ever taught me!" His hands were tight on the handles, squeezing and nervous.

Cyan laughed again, starting to pedal forward in the direction of the wide open neighborhood roads. Blue pedaled after Cyan, increasing his speed ever so lightly to keep pace with him. Blue was less uneasy and nervous, as he got more comfortable. He looked at Cyan, smiling sheepishly. "So.. I've really enjoyed coming over." Cyan smiled, looking to his side at Blue

Cyan agreed. "Heh, yeah- It's- Not the same as when we were 10, but I'm just glad I have you back Blue." A big toothy grin was on Blue's face after Cyan said that. Blue finally spoke, feeling his cheeks feel warm in the cold outside air as he blushed.

"I'm so happy you said that.. Means a lot." He let out a shaky breath, gripping at the handles again. Cyan nodded "Of course man I love you" he spoke softly and calmly as he looked back forward after saying that.

Thinking nothing of his words to Blue, nothing more than friendly words to his male best friend. His emotions flipped around, it was hard to control his emotions.

Blue stared silently at the side of Cyan's face as he pedaled. He had no words, those words he'd prayed to hear since they saw each other in that cafeteria. But he didn't mean it like that, he meant it as if they were friends. Which they were.

How has he not realized his feelings yet? It's been months! Months together! Has he realized and he's just ignoring it? He looked back forward. "I.. Love you to-" His voice was strained, like it hurt to say that.

He wasn't mad, just knew things had to happen sooner than he planned. Nothing was said for a few minutes, Cyan periodically looked at Blue, guiding him along the long roads and turns.

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