Chapter 4 'I love you'

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Blue was speechless, shocked, he never planned for it to go like this. It was meant to be a romantic moment, a moment they shared alone when they confessed their love.

Not a memory of bittersweet love and hospital coughs and beeps.

It was meant to be- Any time but now. He was coming out to comfort Cyan and let him know not to feel stressed or bad about what happened. To let him know he was still there.. Instead- This?

Blue clenched his fist tightly, looking down at Cyan and trying not to shake to much. He quickly hugged Cyan back, leaning his head on Cyan's.

He doesn't care though, Cyan loves him right? He got his goal! His love, his future, finally locked in the cage he'll keep it in for the rest of its slowly beautiful withering life.

Cyan loves him.. It wasn't the right moment, but any time would've been perfect. Better now than never, the way Cyan cries in his arms.

That's bittersweet, he doesn't want to hurt Cyan like this. He's never wanted to hurt him, ever. But every dog needs training to come back to their master.

He won't ever leave him again, he'll make sure of it. He won't even think of leaving, he'll just think of their future, how much he loves him, how he treats him right.

His grip around him was tight, but that's exactly what Cyan wanted. A tight hug, caring.. Is he not mad? How is Blue not mad..

"You're not mad..?" Cyan could feel eyes on them from down the hallway, but this was almost common in hospitals.

Crying, hugging, not love confessions, at least not often.

"I love you too.. It's okay, I forgive you." He smiled warmly as his hands shook violently on Cyan's back. "I was never angry." Another lie he's told him. It's best he doesn't know where the faint scabs on his knuckles came from.

Cyan leaned his head into Blue's chest, his tears soaking into his red hoodie. "I've been- So stressed about so many things for a long time. Everything's going to shit Blue.. I need a distraction."

Blue's shaking hand, went up and down Cyan's back as he tried not to make this moment all about how much he wanted to take Cyan back to his car in the back seats. How he wanted to take Cyan on a nice romantic walk.

How much he wanted to scream and yell at him how much he loved him, how much he did for him. Now how much he wants to kiss his lips, holding him close.

Romance isn't what he needed right now, he needed someone loving.

He didn't want to make this about how Cyan just- just- Fuck, this is the best day of his life! Pink's death, sleepless nights, stress, crying, changing himself to be what Cyan liked.

Purple's death, the violence, and cannibalism. It led up to this, it was all worth it! It was all so fucking worth it!

"I know it is.. I'm here- I'm- Here." Blue's hands were flat and shaking, his legs felt numb. He wants to leave, leave with Cyan right now and get married! He wants to tell Cyan everything he's done to get to this point.

Everything he's been through. All for.. HIM. Cyan sniffled, crying softly as his hands gripped the back of Blue's hoodie. "I'm sorry.."

Blue raised a hand, rubbing the back of Cyan's head, the other wrapped around Cyan's back curling around to his chest. He felt Cyan's ribs under his touch, those ribs.

He spoke calmly and lovingly. "It's okay.. I'll help you be less stressed, whatever it is I'll help."

Cyan tightened his grip around Blue, leaning his cheek into Blue's chest. "Thank you Blue.. I- I-" He went silent, unable to find the words to explain anything.

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