Chapter 3 'Horrible dream'

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But he didn't.

Blue opened his eyes, the world around him was blurry but his vision came into view slowly. He was in his backyard?

“Okay..” His voice echoed in the open space, looking down at his clothing and hands. Black socks, gray sweatpants, and the same red hoodie stained with blood.

His hands were drenched in blood, red and bright, fresh from the flesh. “Blue?” Cyan's voice.. He can't see him like this! Blue looked over his shoulder.

Cyan was standing at his back door, the door slightly open as he was a step out.

“Cyan!” He smiled wide, suddenly starting to wipe his hands off. The blood only smudged into his hands arms more, it wouldn't come off-

Blue has his back to Cyan, what is he doing here.. “What's going on?” Cyan stepped further out of the doorway, closing the door as he looked at Blue curiously. Something was wrong.

Blue looked at his hands then back over his shoulder at Blue. “Nothing-! Just.. Go outside for a second!”

He kept his hands in his pockets, yet it didn't do him any good. Blood trailed up his arms and didn't seem to go away no matter how many times he tried to rub it off on his hoodie or pants.

Blue's voice was one of nervousness and concern, he couldn't let Cyan see him like this. Cyan smiled while giving a confused smile

“What do you mean? This isn't just nothing Blue, what's with the fire in the middle of the night?” He pointed to something past Blue.

Blue looked back ahead of him, blinking as he did. A cold breeze blew on his face as the world around him was now darker.

The fire pit.. It had a blazing fire in it, trash bag after trash bag lying around it. “I-” He turned back around to look at Cyan but he was gone.

Instead Pink stood directly behind him, staring up at him angrily. This is turning into a nightmare- God wake up!

Blue took a step back, raising his bloody hands in a disgusted but fearful manner. “Pink..?” Blue spoke.

Pink frowned, glaring at Blue as he stepped away. “Blue.” She had the same clothes she wore on Friday. She took a step towards him, continuing to speak. “Coward..” Her voice was angry, insulting him.

Blue glared, looking away and taking another step back. He looked nervous, looking back up at Pink. Pink's appearance looked more tired by the second, eye bags under her eyes and her hair was more messy.

“Did I taste good in that stew.. Did you brag?” She frowned, looking sad, only to smile right after. She was toying with him.

Blue took another step back, looking at Pink. “Stop..” He closed his eyes, trying to think of Cyan. He was trying to change the dream.. “Stop!”

He opened his eyes again now in the basement, the environment changed. Wasn’t he just outside-

Blue stepped back as he looked down at the body of Pink spread out on the tarp, blood pouring from her neck. It was the same scene, just as he remembered it.

The dream just keeps changing, he needs to stay calm. It's just a dream- A nightmare he's trapped in only momentarily- He'll wake up.

Pink's motionless head finally moved to look up at him, she lifted her head, putting both palms on the bottom of her chin.

Holding up her head by pressing her elbows on the floor, blood still pouring slowly down her neck.

She should be dead, unmoving, and lifeless, yet she moved about.

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