The beginning

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Immediately 8am strike on dot, the sound of a ringing alarm took over the whole house without stopping and the standing fan worsened the situation as it blew her duvet away from her body

Suddenly Bolt her dog bounced on her, licking all over her face...

" Come On Bolt, I need to sleep, just give me five minutes" She said with her eyes closed

But Bolt didn't listen he kept on licking her face, when he saw she didn't stand up he started barking loudly

She squeezed her face instantly and groaned out loud showing her unhappy expression and she stood up immediately, took the alarm, switched it off

" Bolt why are you always doing this to me" She caresses his face rubbing her hand around his face gently

She played with him for a while then she went to take a bath

She entered the bathroom and came back shortly, wet with a clean white towel around her, and her hair dripping of bath water

Immediately she got close to her mirror she grinned out loud, laughing out her lungs.. if people saw her they will think she was a mentally unstable person

She stopped laughing and smiled at herself looking into the mirror

" I should get ready" She beamed and walked straight to her closet

It took minutes for her to dress up, then she went back to the mirror, took her hair dryer, it took about two minutes, then she used her hair stretcher to straighten her hair

She packed her hair into a single ponytail which she loves a lot

She sat down on a bed to wear her sneakers but bolt came to her, because he already know she was about to leave him

He nuzzled her nose but she sensed what he was asking for

" No Bolt, we can't go for a walk this morning when I get back then we can play together" She told him

Then he removes his face from her nose and sat beside her rolling his tail

" Don't worry I won't break my promise" She said which he understood and went to dragged her bag

" Good boy, I love you so much, but don't disturb mom when she feeds you and be a good dog when I leave" She said

Bolt tilts his head to indicate that he is listening, She rubbed his face with love and left her room

She got to the living room, dropping her bag and left for the kitchen but she saw a notes beside her lunch box, then she read out

" I left for the parlor earlier because I had so many order I need to see to, Bolt already ate this morning and take care dear" She read out

" Awwn, Thanks mom I love you too" She took her lunch box which also have her morning food inside

She went back to the her room, came back down with bolt because she can't leave him alone at home, took her bag and left

She always leaves him with a trainer who is their next neighbor, she knocked at his door, but it took a while before he opened up

" Ohh Cindy I'm sorry for taking your time I was busy with something" The trainer said

" It's fine, I know you have many dogs to take care of, And here is another friend of yours" She said holding bolt with his belt

" Of course he is my favorite" The trainer smiled and took bolt

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