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He unloosed his tie, removed his suit, threw it on his other chair angrily

He took his landline phone, dialed his secretary digit

" Get me my driver immediately" He snapped and hung up

" I must be fast before the media questions him" He said, pacing around his office

Two minutes later, the driver came in

" You called for me sir" The driver said

" Just listen to me, if the media ask you any questions on yesterday incident tell them, that lady poured the ice cream on me and I don't know her, is that clear" He replied

" Boss, I can't lie....

Steven interrupted him

" I pay your damm bills so you must do anything I say or else you will be fired and I know you have a sick daughter, who is in need of medical attention, I will stop paying her medical bills, then you will be miserable for the rest of your life for killing your daughter" Steven said

" No boss, I don't want my daughter to die, I will do anything you ask of me" The driver replied

" Good so you have to lie if you are approached by the media do you understand" He responded

" Yes boss, I understood" The driver said

" Get out" He snapped

The driver rushed out immediately

" Thank Goodness, I'm now a free bird to that lady , who is she" He asked himself

Wondering where he knew her from but he couldn't recollect so he just went back to work



She sat down on the couch with her leg crossed, eating a bowl of popcorn and there was a juice can on the center table beside her

She was watching her favorite movie, but it was over, so she switched the channel

As she was about to put a handful of popcorn in her mouth

The news of Steven's interview came up

She was shocked, and her mouth went wide opened, she couldn't believe he lied about the incident to the media

" How dare he paint me black in front of the world, is it because he is from a rich family, does he not have any shame, he is so worthless, he hasn't changed a bit, he is still the same beast of college days, I think it is high time i teach him a big lesson, this time I will show him who I really am" She smirked

" How dare he!!!!!!

Bolt rushed to her, using his tail to rubbed her legs, she smiled softly at him

" Hey bolt, it seems you are bored , I'm as well" She said

" I think we should go out, I can also repair my bicycle too" She said

She left for her room, wore a cap and a hoodie that has a cap to cover her face from the media's and people so she wouldn't be asked different questions

She went to his house, brought out his belt, she clipped it on his neck belt and they went to get her bicycle together outside and left after locking the door


They walked for some while till they got to her usual bicycle repairer

" Good afternoon sir, my bicycle's legs are wobbly" She said

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