Relationship grows

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~~~~~ CLASS >>>>>

Two hours later the lectures ended

All their classmates have left including Richard, Leo, Jack and Mason

Poppy and Oliver were the ones still remaining

Oliver sat down on his desk and bowed down his head on his table

Poppy who just got back from the washroom came back into the classroom to leave for her house but she saw Oliver still in class

She walked up to him and tapped his back

Oliver rose up his head, he was already his tears, his tears dripped like a tap water, his face was already puffy and reddish

Poppy was shocked to see him in that state, she opened her bag and took a handkerchief

She wiped his tears with the white handkerchief and draw a chair to his side and sat beside him

" I have been noticing you since morning, and your tears confirm my suspicions, what happened? Why are you crying?" She questioned

" It's nothing serious" He replied

" That's a lie, if it is not serious you won't be crying profusely, you can share your pains with me, I'm all here for you" She responded

" It's my mom, she has a brain tumor, he is in serious pains, she is in grade 3 and it's getting worst I don't want to lose  her" He replied and burst into uncontrollably tears

Poppy eyes flow with tears as well, she felt his pain

" Calm down Ollie, we will find a solution, and yes, my dad's hospital helps people who are in need of medical, I will ask my brother, he will be able to help....

" Just stop crying, everything will be okay, I know how it feels to lose someone special to us, nothing will happen to your mom" She added petting his back

She cleaned his tears again with the handkerchief and he stopped crying

" Thank you so much" He said and hugged her unexpectedly

She was stunned as his body met hers, she just tapped his back

He hugged her holding her hair tightly, his tears touched her dress but she was unbothered because she knew his pains

When he saw she felt uncomfortable

He broke the hug

" I'm so sorry, I should have.....

" I understand you don't have to explain" She said

" I need to go now my dad must be waiting for me" He replied and stood up with his bag

" I will like to see your mom, I will drop you home" She responded

" You can't go to my house" He quickly replied

" Why?" She asked

" It's because you won't like the environment, and you will be uncomfortable there" He replied

" That's not an excuse" She assured him

" Are you sure?" He asked

" Of course I'm sure, Shall we" She said

" Yes let's go" He faced her

And they both left the class to the parking lot, where they got into the car and they went out of the college premises


He lived in a rural area usually known as village

The streets was filled with beggars who slept on the floor

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