The Past

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Steven entered his car, buckle his seatbelt

"Let's go dumbhead" He said

His driver drove off immediately.........

Throughout the drive his mind was drawn to Cindy

He kept thinking about her

"I don't understand this anymore, why is it that whenever I see her I lose control, her eyes make me feel something, I feel something which I can't explain.......

"Her voice sounds familiar....

"Her face looks like someone I know but i can't seems to remember...

"Who is she?"

"I must find out about her identity before I lose my mind" He mumbled to him

He took his phone and dialed his lawyers digit

📞 The girl who poured ice cream on me, I need to find out more about her, dig into it and get back to me tomorrow

He said and ended the call

"I can now finally know who is she" He said

His car stopped at the front of a restaurant, his driver came to get the door for him, he got down from the car and walked into the restaurant

His family were already on their seat, including Richard who was sitting beside a empty chair

He got closer to them and stopped on his track

He adjusted his wrist watch and went straight to the table

"You kept us waiting since morning son" His mother said

"You don't need to tell him this, he has always being like this" His father added

" If you guys came here to quarrel with me then, I will just take me leave, I never wanted to come anyway" He said and took a step backward

" When will you stop insulting mom and dad, they are your parents, be respectful for once" Richard replied

" Finally the good son has spoken I thought you were dumb before, just kept quiet and back off" He responded

"You should be the one to keep shut whenever mom and dad speaks to you, you are becoming more disrespectful as the day passes, you are their heir behave like one" Richard faced him

"Really, why ain't we the first richest family of this country, people think I'm just the second richest person in the country and it's because of them, they could have worked more harder to be the first richest family but they did nothing, they ain't smart enough, the Edward's are more respected than our family because they are the ones but we are like secondhand to their wealth" He said

"How dare you speak to them like that, you are here because of them, you control different branches because they gave you the right, I can't believe you, it is the disgusting thing that would ever come out of your mouth, how dare you....

Richard stood up and held his collar

Thankfully they are at a private room in the restaurant, it's just only them

"Calm down Richard, I don't want you both to get into any fights, he is your elder brother so respect him" The mother said

"You hear that she isn't even angry about what you said about them, she is not even worried about him, can't you see they love you a lot, you're their favorite son but you just disrespect them every-time and you make them cry always" Richard said

"You have grown more wings this past few months, you were always quiet anytime I spoke to them but now you talk back to me, How dare you

Steven snapped and furiously removed Richard's hand from his collar

"I kept quiet because of mom but now I won't be quiet, you don't deserve to be their son or my brother, you're a disgrace to this family and you will regret your past actions soonest" Richard said

"Regret my actions, is that a joke, I can never regret my actions and never in your life come to my mansion again" Steven said and stormed out

"You made him furious now, you should've been quiet" Mr Berry-hills said

"I won't keep quiet anymore, he has been insulting you both for the past years and I won't take it anymore" Richard said


" No but mom, the lunch is ruined by your favorite son, let's go back to the mansion" Richard said

His parents stood up and he followed them behind

He helped his parents into the car and he drove off




His lawyers walked in with a folder containing informations

Steven smiled immediately he saw the folder in his hands

The lawyer sat down on the chair opposite him and dropped the folder on the table

"Wow, so fast" Steven said

"You know I never disappoint" The lawyer replied and took out a some copies of the information

"You were right about her, she was someone familiar to you" The lawyer added

"My instincts never deceives me" Steven replied with approval

"She is CINDY WHEELERS, Does that sound familiar to you now?" The lawyer asked

He thought for a while and shook his head

"She attended the same school with you, EDWARD'S COLLEGE, She entered the college through scholarship and she was one of your victims, you bullied her and did so many bad things to her, you should remember one day when you tried to rape her and she escaped, and she told the college authorities but I outsmarted them" The lawyer said

"She is the loser I bullied, really I can't believe this, she looks so different" He said

"What do you mean?" The lawyer asked

"We bumped into each other again today, she slapped me twice" He replied

"And you let her go free?" The lawyer asked

"I couldn't do anything, and I even touched her, I felt something when my hands was on her  face" Richard replied

"Does this mean you have fallen in love with her?"The lawyer asked

"Fallen in love, No you know love is not in my dictionary" He smirked

"Okay if you say so, that means she knows who you are and she will try to get revenge for all what you have done to her" The lawyer said

"Revenge I don't think so, but I will be watchful" He replied

"I have something interesting for you about her" The lawyer said

"And what is that?" He asked

"She is the new appointed Chief Operator Office in EDWARD'S Company" The lawyer replied

" What?

"I know you are shocked but it's the truth"The lawyer replied

"Nice this is a new twist" He smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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