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She stretched her body, using her right hand to switch off the alarm which has been ringing for over 30 minutes

She laid down on her bed with her eyes fully opened

She stared at the ceiling, feeling worried about her interview

She has always wanted to fulfill two dreams of her  life

The first one is to become a CEO { chief executive officer } of her own company

And the second one is to become a  COO { Chief Operations Officer }

She wanted to become one of the two one day but  now the opportunity came knocking on her door and she doesn't want to miss the chance

She wants to make her daddy and little brother happy, she wishes to make everyone proud of her

She looks around for bolt  but he wasn't in her room, she then laid down back on her bed

Some minutes later, she stood up to get ready for her upcoming interview

She entered her bathroom, took her bathe, did her  morning skincare routine and left the bathroom

She came out wet with her white towel wrapped around her body

She went to the mirror, took her hairdryer, when she was done, she packed her hair up, wore a white V top and a brown suit and a black short heels which suit it perfectly

She wore a black leather wristwatch, used a white  lipgloss, she added a little makeup touch on her face

" Wow, I'm good to go" She twinkled at herself looking into the mirror

She looked at her wrist watch which says 7:30AM

She took her bag and went downstairs for breakfast

" Good Morning mom" She greeted

" Wow, you look so stunning darling, I was like this when I was in your age" Her mother said

" I know mom, you are my pretty mom after all" She replied

She said down for breakfast, her mother made sweet dishes because she wants her daughter to bring good news

" These foods are tantalizing, you are the best chef I have even seen" She replied eating gently

" I know right, just eat gently and all the best to your dream job" Her mother said

" Good luck to you too mom" She replied eating a spoonful of food

Her mother went upstairs to get dressed for her parlor

She continues eating her food before 8PM

After she was done, she went to meet Bolt

" I will be back soon and wish me luck" She said caressing his head

Bolt shakes his tail in approval

She grinned softly and left taking her bag along

She decided to take a cab today in order to get to the interview venue as quick as possible



Cindy got their by 8:45AM

She got into the company, she admired the big skyscraper company from outside to inside

" Good Morning ma'am" A receptionist greeted as she walked in

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