Love Blooms

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" What do you mean we should talk again?" She asked

" You told me to listen to my brother, so i did, do you have a problem with that again" He said

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just.......

He cut her off

" Really you didn't mean to hurt my feelings, that sounds like a joke to you right, your words hurt me a lot, I just wanted us to be close friends, but you always break my hearts whenever you brought up my brother warning, and I told you countless times but you didn't listen, so now let's just ignore each other from now on, Goodbye Poppy" He said and walked off leaving her behind

Poppy stood there dumbfounded, she couldn't process what he just said

" He doesn't want to talk to me anymore, I broke his heart, close friends....

She murmured silently

" I don't want to talk to you, you broke my hearts, I wanted to be your close friends......

His words keep ringing in her ears like an alarm every seconds

" I don't want to talk to you, you broke my hearts, Goodbye Poppy.....

His voice kept vibrating in her ears, when she couldn't take it anymore, she covered her ears with both palm and screamed out

" No you can't do this to me" She said, using her right leg to hit the wall

She groaned loudly, her heels cracked which gushed out blood

" Ouch!!!!!!!!!!

" Owwwwwww!!!!!!

" It hurts a lot" She growls in pain

She leaped into the class to take her seat

Then she removed about how she bought a bandage incase she needed it, she opened her bag, brought it out quietly because she felt pain all over her right leg

As she brought the bandage out, she was able to use it when the bandage rolled out, it rolls to the entrance of their classroom

She reluctantly stood up and leaped toward the entrance

When she got there, she was about to pick the bandage but someone else picked it up and the person was Richard

" Thanks a lot" Poppy said unaware that it was Richard, she still bow her head down

" You don't have to thank me" He replied

That was why she realized it was Richard

" What are you doing here?" She asked, squeezing her face in pain

" I came back for you, and what have you done to yourself? Your heel is bleeding" He replied

" I mistakenly hit my foot against the wall" She responded

" Just hold up I will help you" He said

Instantly he carried her with his arms with care, she felt his warmness around her body, her face was caressing his neck

When he got to her chair, she made her sit down gently

" I know you want to pin this on me, but I'm so sorry I spoke out of tune, I was about to leave but when I didn't see you at the parking lots, I could sense something was wrong, so I came back" He said

" I should be the one saying sorry, why are you always stealing my apology from me?" She asked with a soft smile

" I needed to apologize as well, but I was faster than you, but sorry I didn't hear your apology, you said?" He asked

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