More twists and turns

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They all gasped in shocked

The students couldn't believe what they just saw

Instantly some students brought out their phones, taking pictures and making videos of the incident, while some were mute because if they talk it will be the end of them

The poor, and the scholarships students kept mute, watching how things unfold

Natalie and Madison burst out in laughter because they were enjoying the scene created by Leo

Some students even stood to take selfies with him

In a twinkle of a eye the school platform was filled with his pictures, some students who was not in the cafeteria ran as fast as they could to watch the scenes

Robert, their school blogger posted the pictures and videos on his page and different popular bloggers worldwide posted it so he became viral like wildfire

Leo smirked because he plan worked perfectly well

He leaned over to Oliver, who bow his head down in tears and embarrassment

" You still have the time to transfer to another college of your standard, if not I will make your life miserable and you will cry blood, and one more thing stay far away from Poppy, stop being clingy to her" Leo mumbled into his ears

Richard, Poppy, Mason and Jack rushed there because they have seen enough

" Lower your phones immediately, or else you will be disciplined by the school authorities, you guys have been warned countless times not to make videos or post pictures that is not related to the college activities, so drop your phone right now" Richard yelled

They quickly lowered their phones, they haven't seen Richard getting angry like that before

" And delete those pictures and videos immediately" Richard snapped

They quietly deleted the videos, pictures including the college blogger who posted it

Then someone from the scholarship group spoke up

" His pictures and video are all viral now, different bloggers have posted it so if they delete it now people will still see it from other places" The person said

" I will see to that, I will make them delete it as well" Richard replied

" Leo, why are you so inhuman, Oliver hasn't done anything wrong to you, so why are you bent on making him miserable?" Poppy asked with a angry expression

" Are you deaf, Poppy asked you a question, I warned you not to do anything stupid but you wouldn't listen, you just do whatever you like but what you did here is absolutely wrong and disgusting" Mason said

" We warned you but no you were still adamant on making him suffer for what is not reasonable, he is a human like us how many times should I tell you this" Richard shouted

" It was unintentional, my leg got hit by his table so the tray slipped into him, why do you guys keep blaming me for what I didn't do intentionally" Leo said, faking a teary eye

" Stop pretending we know you did it to embarrass him, you always do this to the less privileged people, you are a beast Leo, how could you" Jack said

" I...I

" Keep quiet, you have lied enough" Poppy exclaimed

Poppy was about to make Oliver stand up but Richard was faster than her

" I will help him up, you can help him pack his lunch box" Richard said

" I will get his sport clothes from his locker" Jack responded and left

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