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" Yes me, Get into the car" He said

" Is this a joke or what? Are you kidding me?" She questioned

" Do I look like I'm joking?" He asked

" I don't care about anything you say or do, and you are just a stranger to me, or are you getting revenge about what I did to you?" She questioned

" We  met twice so we ain't strangers anymore" He replied

" I know you are a stalker, how do you know I was here?" She asked

" You don't have to know, it's late already, I just want to give you a lift" He replied

" Really you just want to give me a lift or you want to kidnap me" She responded

" Why will I want to kidnap you, you ain't the president daughter of this country" He replied

" But I'm happy the way I am, so piss off" She said  and stormed off

" She is so stubborn" He said and wind up his window glass


Cindy waited for thirty minutes at the nearest bus stop

But no bus or cab was seen, she got worried because it's already past 10pm

She kept looking at the road but all to no avail

" I should have followed him, but he is so arrogant" She thought looking at her wristwatch

" He might be a kidnapper and it's not safe to follow a stranger" She mumbled to herself

She was still in her thoughts when Maxwell car suddenly stopped in front of her

" You again, why do you keep bothering me, just leave me alone, I will scream out loud" She said looking around

" You won't see any bus or cab by this time, and no one will hear you scream because it's late already just get into the car and I will drop you home" He replied

" Are you sure you ain't a kidnapper because I don't trust you" She said

" I'm not a kidnapper so you don't have to worry" He replied

She reluctantly carried her bag

The driver came down and he opened the car door

Cindy get into the car, and sat down beside Maxwell

The driver got into car as well and drove off



They were silent throughout the drive

" Thanks for the lift" She said

" No worries, good night" He replied

Cindy got out of the car and went inside her house

" Good evening mom" She greeted her mom as she entered

" It's so late, I was so worried about you" Her mother said

" There was so much work at the office so I stay late" She replied

" Ohh you must be so tired" Her mother said

Her mother dished her food and she hungrily ate the food to her satisfaction

After a while, she was done eating, she went to her room to freshen up and slept like a baby


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