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The secretary knocked on the door and he was asked to enter by Cindy

He carried the folders of files to her table and placed it perfectly on the desk

" These are the files you have to work on" The secretary said

" I have been bored so finally I have loads of files to work on" She replied with a soft smile

He was about to talk but she quickly spoke up

" But you shouldn't be the one bringing these files to me, i should be the one getting these files" She said

" The boss asked me to bring these files to you and he said you should pass any information to me then I will be the one to inform him" The secretary replied

" What does that mean?" She asked

" It means you ain't allowed in his office, and he doesn't want disturbance from anyone, if you want to tell him something, you will inform me then it will be passed to him" The secretary replied

" But something are meant to be personal, I mean things that are not meant to be known by others, so I need to tell him and not you" She responded

" You can give him a call or write it on a letter, and I will deliver it to him" The secretary replied

" This is unbelievable, and you said he willingly gave me the job when he heard my name?" She asked again

" Of course, he told me to inform the board members to give you this job as soon as possible, i couldn't believe my ears too so I asked him twice to confirm it, and he even gave you a separate office on his floor, he hasn't done this to any of his employees before you are the one person even the formal chief operation officer his office was downstairs, it seems he has some kind of connection with you" The secretary replied

" I don't know him so how will we share a connection" She responded

" I need to get back to work, sorry we will talk later" The secretary replied and left her office

" A connection with a total stranger, how is that possible? Who is he? Do I know him?" She asked herself wondering if she has met him before

When she couldn't get the right answer to her questions she stopped and started working on the pending documents

After some while, her stomach growled in hunger

She closed the file, then took her lunch box, and went to sit on the couch which as a center table

She opened it and the aroma of the delicious meal covered the whole office

She grinned and thought about her mother

Then she started eating hungrily

After she was done, she drank a bottled water and covered the lunch box

Then she heard a knock on her door

" Come in" She said packing her lunch box

The tea man came in with a tray of vanilla ice cream

" Good afternoon ma'am the boss asked me to give you this" The tea man said

" The boss" She thought looking at the tray

" Yes ma'am" The tea man replied

" Is there a camera here and how does he knows I love ice cream, I never wrote that in my CV" She said looking around the office

" Thank you so much, and send my thanks to the boss as well" She said while she was giving the ice cream

The tea man went outside but Cindy was still looking around the office

" Is he a monitoring spirit or what, he gave me the job, gave me my own office, ordered my favorite ice cream from my mother store, what is going on her" She thought

She kept thinking about different thoughts which she doesn't have an answer to, then she opened the ice cream because she was craving it after eating her lunch

She licked all the ice cream before five minutes and threw the plate inside the waste bin then she continued her work



" She must be wondering how I got to know about her favorite ice cream flavor" He said looking at her in his laptop

Before she got to her office this morning, he secretly installed a camera inside a flower vase so it won't be visible

" Just keeping looking around but you won't find the hidden camera" He said watching her

He got a message from Poppy

📲 Why do you asked about her mother parlor

📲 Nothing, I just want to know

He replied and dropped his phone


Maxwell went to Poppy's room

" Can I ask a question from you" He said sitting down on her bed

" Of course" She replied

" About Cindy tell me what you know about her, I meant she must have told you somethings yesterday" He responded

" Why do you want to know about her?" She replied adjusting her skirt

" Just asking, I just want to know" He said

" I only know she loves vanilla ice cream and her mother own a ice cream parlor that's all" She replied

" Thanks, shall we go now, I will drop you off" He said and they both left the mansion together

{ Flashback Ends }

He looked into his laptop and saw her still working on the files, he closed the laptop and continued his work as well




Poppy and Oliver sat down together eating their lunch silently

While the others sat down on their special places

" I have some news to share to everyone" Poppy said after finishing her meal

" What is that" Oliver replied

" Just come with me, then I can share the news together with everyone" Poppy responded

" You know Leo doesn't like me, and I want peace so you can go" Oliver said

" No you will follow me along" Poppy replied and made him stand up and they both went to Richard's seat

" What are you doing here?" Leo asked immediately he saw Oliver

" I told him to follow me, I want to tell you guys something" Poppy replied

" Go on we are all ears" Jack responded

" You know Cindy got a job yesterday" She said

" Yes we know so what happened?" Mason asked impatiently

" My brother gave her the job, she is now working with my brother" She replied

" Really, that is great" Richard responded

" Of course, Uncle Richard is better than Uncle Steven so if she got a job at your brothers place it is better" Leo said

" Must you always put his brother into every discussion" Mason replied

" Just ignore him" Jack replied

" His words doesn't get to me" Richard said

Immediately the clock sounded, they all went to receive their remaining lectures

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