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Cindy quickly rushed inside, her heart was racing very fast, she bent down to slowly catch her breath

She stood at the entry for two minutes before she could breathe normally again

Her mother saw her trying to breathe so she came to her instantly

" What is going on?" Her mother said rubbing her back

" I.I

" Mom, the.... Ice....

" Just hold on, come take a seat, I will get you a glass of water" Her mother said and went

She relaxed, and lied her back to the chair, sitting comfortably

Her mother got the glass of water for her, she quickly collected it, and gasped it down in a goal

Her mother was so surprised at what she saw

" What happened? Were you running while making the deliveries? Are you okay? Do you need anything else? I can help you get it" Her mother questioned looking so worried

" Mom, I'm fine after drinking the water, I couldn't make the last delivery" She responded

" Why couldn't you, Did you not find the owner? Or what?" Her mother asked

" I was about to deliver the order before something happened" She replied

" Why are you beating around the bush, just go straight to the point" Her mother said still worried

" I was on my way to cross the road when a car parked at my front, and I was about to move around, suddenly the car owner opened his car, he poured the order away from my hands, and some splashed on my leg, he couldn't even say sorry, he just walked away while making a call, so I decided to teach him a lesson of his life, I poured a plate of cold ice cream on his body and from nowhere the media, paparazzi came and started taking pictures and videos of us and asking questions, so I ran back here with all of my strength" She explained

" What! That was a lot, he should have just apologized and let bygones be bygones" Her mother said

" It seems to be from a affluent family, he own a Ferrari and even the media gathered round so he must be a very famous person but he is so stupid and arrogant and talking about arrogance, My dress got stained by a man driving a Lamborghini, he couldn't even say sorry, these two men are just the same from a rich family but spoilt to the call, if I see both of them next time I will break their bones, they just ruined my day" She replied

" it's fine, just go change you also have stains on your clothes, I will take care of the second order don't worry" Her mother replied

" Yes mom, I will get changed" She responded and left



He got out of the bathroom... all wet with his towel on his waist

He sat down at the front of his mirror and he recollected what happened

" Who is she? Why couldn't I give her a peace of my mind? Her eyes... when I looked into her eyes I lost my voice, how could that have happened, and she dared to pour a plate of cold ice cream all over my body, how dare her disgrace me in public, doesn't she know who I am" He thought while her eyes kept flashing into his mind

" I need to know her" He said then his phone started beeping

" What should that be" He said to himself

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